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Say Yes – Overall Swing – Balance
Paul Wilson
on August 6, 2023
Tags: balance golfBalanced Golf Swinggolf swing balancehow to stay in balanceyes
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “Say Yes – Overall Swing – Balance”
July 20, 2017
WillCooperThis is a great tip for developing consistency. Linking it to balance is a concrete way for a golfer to recognize if he/she is closely reproducing a correct swing, assuming the basic elements are in place and working in sync. This doesn’t mean, though, that every in balance swing will produce a good shot, right? Maybe there was too much tension in the wrists or arms and the golfer came over the top. He/she could still be in balance but see ball for a right-hander go left with less power. But balance is a fundamental requirement for consistency, so it makes sense to check that first (say yes or not to it), and that’s linked directly to how fast the swing is. Wonderful tip.
July 21, 2017
Paul WilsonWill,
Yes, this does not mean you will hit a perfect shot but swinging in balance will give you a chance to do the same swing consistently. If you are falling all over the place you have no chance.
July 21, 2017
JohnSelkirkPaul,when I swing fast I don’t wobble all over the place but there are times when when my rear leg comes forward and I walk through the shot.Is this bad? It doesn’t seem to affect the shot much….John
July 21, 2017
Paul WilsonJohn,
I don’t like it because I want you doing the exact same swing every day, every shot, forever. Try to hold the finish … perfectly.
February 7, 2019
I love your “Say Yes” series – particularly this one on balance and the heavy club tip. It allows us to do a personal checklist to determine which parts of your teachings we have mastered and which need more work. I love having the Ignition Golf site available as a diagnostic library.
I’m religiously doing 50 practice swings daily (even shoveling off a patch in the backyard so I can keep going in the snow). It amazes me how this helps it click and I find my body just going to right positions without any special effort on my part. Today, prior to viewing the heavy club video, I was feeling just that. I could tell my arms were playing no active part in the swing and I could tell my club head speed had increased. Can’t wait for the unseasonable snow in my town to melt.
Thanks for Making Golf Fun Again!
Pasco Wa
February 10, 2019
Paul WilsonMichael,
That series turned out great. I really like people working on things that way. You are certainly putting in the effort. Keep doing that to get more speed and you will have a great season.
February 10, 2019
Thanks much for the quick response. I love the way we all have a personal connection to you and that you truly have an interest in our progress.
One quick comment here. I mentioned about how much I like the “Say Yes” series. In looking at most of the Say Yes tips, there are relatively few comments – maybe 4-6 versus 30+ on many others. That tells me my fellow IG members are undervaluing this fine series. Perhaps you could do a new tip that direction them back to search the Say Yes series as a way to benchmark their mastery of your teachings. Perhaps call it “Say Yes – Recommitment.” People are missing the boat that don’t take advantage of Say Yes.
February 11, 2019
Paul WilsonMichael,
You are my reputation so I care what everyone is doing.
Comments are funny. Just when I think I knocked it out of the park I get crickets. Others I think are just good I get comments. Can’t explain it.