Windshield Wiper Exercise

By | on November 16, 2022 | 6 Comments | Array


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6 Responses to “Windshield Wiper Exercise”

  1. December 16, 2014


    This is a tricky one! I just can do four or five of those befogenheter I get cramp ….soul I just container ord soul I start with something else?

  2. December 16, 2014


    Sorry…autocorrect : before I get cramp it should say!

    • It’s a tough one isn’t it?! Sneaky tough. You’ll get past the cramp stage if you stay with it. Just do what you can during each set. Maybe start with 6 sets or 3 repetitions. Do some hip stretches between each set too.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. February 1, 2019



    I can’t seem to get much movement at all. I’ve had both knees replaced, could that be the reason why? I have always had trouble getting a full, fast hip turn to the left. My arms seem to get to the ball way before my hips get half way. Via DNA test I have fast twitch muscle fibers, could that be why the arm muscles are faster than the hips?


    • Hi Jim,
      Sounds like tight hip internal rotation… very common. It’s not from the knees or muscle fiber consistency at all. This would explain the trouble turning to the left you mentioned. Internal rotation of the hips is difficult to improve without a medical professionals assistance. There are a number of exercises, like the Windshield Wiper above, that focus on that action though. I have a few in the flexibility tab on the main page that focus on it.

      As for your golf, I would certainly allow your lead foot to ‘toe out’ to take pressure off the hip joint. Most of the time a golfer will just do this automatically at set up or even during the swing. In your case, this is completely fine. Don’t let anyone tell you to keep it square throughout your swing… it could cause injury.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. Jeremy, I currently go to the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and have been for 3 months or thereabouts. During my routine, I have been working with a Hip Abduction and a Hip Adduction for 3 reps of 15 each at 55 Lbs. Having said that, will this machine supplant your windshield wiper exercise? I look forward to your response.
    -Rich P.

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