The Correct Width Of Stance In The Golf Swing

By | on May 9, 2011 | 2 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

2 Responses to “The Correct Width Of Stance In The Golf Swing”

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    November 29, 2017


    Hi Paul,

    I am a little confused about stance.

    I am right handed. I have been hitting my 7 and shorter clubs with my left heal two balls ahead of the ball position and my right heal two balls back, so the distance between my two heals is about 5 balls in total. For my 5 and 6 irons I have been hitting with my left heal two balls ahead of the ball position and my right heal three balls back — 6 balls in total between my two feet, For my 3 and 4 irons there is about a 7 ball distance between my heals and for my driver I have been placing the ball even with my left heal, and my right foot about 9 ball back.

    With the driver stance at 9 balls between my heals I can still touch the legs.

    I was hitting with my heals closer together, but I began widening my stance, and it has helped shift my weight onto my back leg, and that seems to have made it easier to unhinge my wrists as shift my weight to swing.

    Does the above sound about right?



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