Power: How a Wider Swing Arc Affects Power

By | on August 22, 2024 | 9 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

9 Responses to “Power: How a Wider Swing Arc Affects Power”

  1. October 1, 2012


    Hi Paul,
    Many great points in this tip, but the one we shouldn’t forget is “just a few swings won’t do it”. I know many times I fall into that mind-set, and then as you say go right back to the old habits that I am trying to get rid of. Thanks for the tip on widening the arc and the reminder of “do it as much as humanly possible.”

    • October 1, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Mike, Yes, most things in golf take time. I keep telling everyone to focus on the movement not where the ball is going. Move like me and you will hit it like me. Keep whacking at the ball and you will never get it. The faster you focus on the movement the faster you are on your way to playing great golf.

  2. October 1, 2012


    Hey Paul…weirdest thing happened today during my round. After 2 of the best rounds I’ve ever played (hitting one drive 290) I pulled the driver out today and couldn’t hit it. The result was always an ugly pulled hook that started up and then took a nosedive (almost like it had topspin) down and to the left….maybe 170 yds max.

    Luckily I can hit 3-wood w/ consistently straight about 230 yds and was able to salvage an 83, but leaving driver in my bag the entire round after the first two holes bothered me given I had been hitting it so well. Hmmm….I’m trying to hit too hard b/c I’ve had some success and want that little more…right? 🙂

    Thanks Paul.

    • October 1, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Bryan, This is exactly what happened. Slow down, loosen up and feel the lower body powering the swing. Think 50% the next time out and you will get it right away. Thanks for the promo on RG.

      • October 2, 2012


        Thanks Paul….I will also get you my before and after videos. Should I burn them to DVD or upload them through a portal somewhere? Thanks!!

  3. October 4, 2012


    Hi Paul. Yesterday I experienced the benefits of relaxing the wrists and arms. My drives had been consistently in the 200 to 220 yard range with a lot of physical effort. Without any prevailing wind, I hit multiple drives of 240+ with one at least 260 yards, not bad for an out of shape 68 year old. My sons remarked about my improved balance since the high effort swing caused me to lose balance. Out-driving the youngsters a few times was quite enjoyable. Now I have to decide if I should divulge my secret…….Paul Wilson’s tips!

    Thanks for the help. Ron

    • October 5, 2012

      Paul Wilson


      That’s great news. You can see that it works. I keep trying to to tell people this and until they experience it they will doubt it.

      Now, the next time you go out start out slow and stay relaxed. Gradually speed it up. I guarantee that if you start off trying to hit it like you are you will start slicing it and topping it. If this happens back off it. Roll the wrists and swing at 50%.

      You definitely need to keep practicing but also it takes a while to get used to the new yardages.

      Keep up the good work,


  4. August 24, 2024


    My problem: First 12 14 holes in 18 hole round are pretty good. Then Fatigue sets in and 15-18 are usually quite lousy. Any thoughts/


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      September 2, 2024

      Paul Wilson

      Hello Dan, sorry for the delay. Paul was off.

      Yes, I have a tip on this. I explain that around hole 14 you get tired. When you do you will hit with the arms. So on hole 14 you hold the club at kneed high and do 3 swings before every shot. In doing so you will feel your legs and hips powering the swing. Once you get the feeling you quickly step up and apply this feeling to all shots.


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