What Do You Want

By | on November 28, 2016 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “What Do You Want”

  1. Avatar photo

    December 3, 2013


    One very important issue that I have witnessed over the years is that most “missed” shots have been interpreted wrongly and immediately by the golfer as soon as the shot is made. I have no presumption of being able to analyse the exact mental process that takes place when it happens but I can say that the golfer is the looser in this reaction as I can see it as an excuse for feeling bad. I find that for myself it is better to think first and try to find what went wrong. Some golf “buddies” always use the same excuse : I lifted my head ! I hear this 3 out of 5 times. How do you see this and how can we help friends who are doing this ?

  2. December 3, 2013


    G’day David,

    I like the way you talk, the message today was great, I was nearly hypnotised – now to make it stick.

  3. November 28, 2016


    I am going to “stay awake” and I am going to be specific. Awesome thoughts, thank you.

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