What Are Glutes?

By | on September 21, 2022 | 15 Comments | Array


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15 Responses to “What Are Glutes?”

  1. December 13, 2012


    Another excellent tip…..as a physician,this tip along with the ones you did recently on the “plank” and its variations are important exercises to do….as key as all the work we do on our swing.

    My question has to do with your comment on “the right glute firing on the backswing,and the left one firing in the downswing”….are you a righty or a lefty?
    Mike Shannon

    • Hi Dr. Shannon,
      Thanks for the kind words… I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos. As for your question, I’m a righty (I should have clarified). In the backswing the right glute seems to activate for stability purposes as the upper body rotates over it. On the downswing, the left glute activates as we transfer our lower body laterally and rotationally. The interesting thing is the massive spike that occurs in it’s activation as the left glute creates an “emergency brake” action as the hips decelerate extremely quickly as the energy transfers from the lower body to the upper body just before impact. The left glute acts like a hand when you try to crack a whip… the hand must accelerate then decelerate/stop in order for the energy to move into the whip and eventually “crack”. This isn’t a conscious action, just an action that occurs in the better, more powerful players. Those players that maintain their spine angle and sequence their bodies properly need to constantly stretch this area due to the over-use.
      Thanks again,
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. December 13, 2012


    G’day Jeremy,
    I’ve been enjoying your training suggestions. I have been doing the plank for quite a while. Your refinements have made the exercise more interesting and valuable.
    For those have difficulty in firing any muscle here is a little tip – just touch the muscle or it’s approximate location. A book I used for Pilates suggested that US Astronauts used this technique to exercise when in confined circumstances. They learnt how to fire a muscle using this technique, then later they had the ability without touching the muscle.
    In the Pilates book this was used to activate the primary core muscle group.

    • Hi Ben,
      Good suggestion… as a matter of fact I mentioned it briefly in the video above. The tapping technique has been used in physical therapy for years. It’s a sensory facilitation technique similar to a reflex hammer test. To activate muscle that’s difficult to contract or “feel” you can tap the muscle belly; for a reflex to occur you tap the tendon (which is not recommended for exercise). Tapping the muscle belly will activate muscle spindles and send information to the motor-neurons and central nervous system. If you have normal muscle contraction this technique is not necessary. But, if a patient has difficulty activating muscle for some reason it’s a great technique. It will help you “Find your Glutes.”
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. I was noticing that you have a Leadboard and a Bosu in the background. Those are actually the only 2 pieces of exercize hardware that I own but I don’t use them much. I was wondering if you could show me some golf related uses for them or better yet if you could put together a 15-30 and 45 minute work out routine. I have 15-30-45 routines for cardio and it works out well becouse sometimes I have more time than others but I can always make time for a 15 minute workout, no excuses.

    BTW, I’m seeing improvement in my swing from the glute tuts, Thanks.

    -Mike Philbrick

    • Hi Michael,
      Those are both great pieces of equipment. I use them almost daily at the clinic. I hope to incorporate them in future videos. We also plan on getting some formal workout videos for purchase this year. For now, divide the exercises up by lower body, upper body and core. Between the exercises you already know and the videos on Ignition Golf you should be able to come up with 3 fifteen minute workouts. On certain days you can combine them to get a 30 or 45 minute routine. It’s best to have a nice “library” of exercises and pick just a few to do for each day’s workout. This way your body never gets “bored”. It’s good to keep your exercises fresh… the same workout each time is not nearly as beneficial as changing things up.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. I have an exercise on THE glutes utilizing THE stability ball:shoulders and upper back on THE stability ball lower legs at right Angles to THE ground ,and you push your lower pelvis up then down .this exercise probably mobilizes more than simply THE glutes .

  5. Does the exercise bicycle and the STEPPER activate also the glutes ,together with the hamstrings and the quads ?

    • They do. Unfortunately I still see clients that have difficulty activating their glutes even though they are doing the exercises you mention. The exercises in the video will make the bike and stair stepper more effective.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  6. January 16, 2015


    When you get on the left leg in the downswing as Paul shows you do do ,and staitghening the left leg ,it helps to fire the left glute by contracting it and pushing the left “cheek ” backwards with maximum energy .

    • I 100% agree with that. It’s like the left glute and obliques are the “truck” and the arms and club are the “trailer”.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  7. January 17, 2015


    The left triceps and the right biceps have a major rôle in speeding the golf swing ,Even if you go with the ” POWERLESS ARMS ” concept of PAUL WILSON .What exersises to do not to stiiffen them up but enhance the ” FAST SWITCH FIBERS ” in them ,not the ” SLOW TWITCH ” ones ?

  8. September 22, 2016


    Jeremy ,The following question has nothing to do with the glutes .
    Is the “Electronic belt ” (SLENDERTONE and others )fit with électrodes which stimulate your abs a useful training aid or is it just a gimmick ?
    If it is ,which one(Brand ) would you recommend ?

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