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Watch The Ball To Fix Your Swing
Paul Wilson
on June 26, 2014
Tags: Curesgolf swing fixhow to fix your golf swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “Watch The Ball To Fix Your Swing”
August 7, 2014
KeithBowlesFirst things first, thank you so much for your wisdom of the golf swing. I have been working on the this method for about 5 months. Last weekend I tied for first place in my flight and lost in the second play off hole. This is a major improvement for me. I had a 10 to 20 yard tail on the ball to the right on the last day and could not figure it out. I wish I had reviewed this tip sooner. Thanks again for your awesome tips which has greatly improved my game.
August 7, 2014
Paul WilsonKeith,
Nice. You just started to tighten up. You definitely need to know this. So the next time this happens you need to do roll overs before you hit your shot. When you hit your shot you are thinking body but the practice roll overs with keep the wrists loose.
How to Cure the Direction:
How to Cure the Spin:
How to Cure the Contact:
How to Cure Spin and Direction Problems:
August 10, 2014
Touching the shaft to back of head has helped a lot with contact being pure but I tend to pull the ball a hair or hit a cut depending on club face. Then I will consciously try to touch knees but when I do that I hit it mostly thin.(feels like i get to much secondary tilt) I am not swinging fast at all. Any thoughts?
August 10, 2014
Paul WilsonMike,
When you are turning you are coming out of it slightly. Keep doing what you are doing but watch the ball a little longer. You need to end up in this position.
Spine Angle Follow Through:
I would think your eyes are little too level when you are done.
July 10, 2016
Michael JMastrocovoHi Paul Great lessons! So much to memorize.
How do I get to my “Add to to-do list” after I saved it. I don’t know how to get back to the one I added. Thanks, Mike Mastrocovo 7/9/16
July 10, 2016
Paul WilsonMichael,
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
Once you save to the To Do list or as a Favorite on the original site you scroll down the page. They are listed below.
April 17, 2017
StianOttersenHi Paul. Just a question not really related to the swing but Regarding equipment, specifically wedges. For a player like myself, is it ok to play with wedges included in the set or should one play with bladed wedges? I like my pitching wedge and gap wedge the most and these are part of my iron set (Callaway xr). I also have bladed sandwedge and lobwedge but dont like these that much. I like the feeling of more helping irons. Any ideas? 🙂
April 18, 2017
Paul WilsonStian,
Yes, you should play your pitching wedge from your set. You can play the gap wedge too or you can change it. Up to you. I am use the one in my set. I use a different SW though. This is for delicate shots so you need to find one you like the look of and can hit well. You really need to try a bunch of them. To me I am after a rounded look. Anything else and I hate it. Hate it and you lose confidence. Ask people at the course if you can hit theirs or at a golf store. As you become a better player this will be a vital club in your bag.