Warm Up or Practice

By | on January 16, 2023 | 9 Comments | Array


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9 Responses to “Warm Up or Practice”

  1. March 18, 2014



    Guilty I have always fallen into this trap and usually spend one hour on the range before going out to play.

    How much time on average would you recommend for warm up?

    Best Gerald

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    March 19, 2014


    I am using your teachings on and off the course. This one reminds me of what I was taught about tasting wine before a restaurant meal; all you’re supposed to do is make sure it is wine, not break it down like a sommelier! There comes a time to enjoy the game and to enjoy the wine.

  3. March 19, 2014


    Thanks Dave, makes a lot of sense, will try this next time out

  4. March 23, 2014


    I suffer from cutting my back swing short, I have tried all of Paul’s tips and still have the problem. I know it has to be a mental thing is there something you can recommend that might help.
    Bill crouch

    • March 23, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      It could definitely be a mental thing. So go slower and focus on lengthening your backswing. If you keep doing the same thing you will get the same result. You need to do something differently. Slowing down would give you more time to relay the information that the backswing is longer. Once you know it is longer the initiate the downswing with the lower body.

      As you do this, it may cause some bad shots because you are changing your tempo and the timing. You cannot stop after 3 balls just because you don’t hit great shots. If you want to make this change, make the change. This means not caring where the ball is going. Once you change it then you can either work on something else or start to focus more on the ball.

    • March 23, 2014

      Paul Wilson


      How To Lengthen Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/lengthen-backswing

      Is Your Backswing Too Short?: https://ignitiongolf.com/backswing-too-short/

      • test

        • Hi Bill,

          Unless you have a physical limitation–IT IS IN YOUR HEAD!
          You hold on to some kind of fear/lack of trus in allowing yourself the freedom of the full swing? It’s an erroneous belief…nothing more.

          1. Sit with paper and pen and identify the fear/belief you think you have.
          2. Ask : is it true? yes or no
          Ask–“Can I be 100% certain my fear is true?
          Ask–When I believe this thought—how do i react? write down ALL the things it does to you (ex. holds me back, tightens me up, I get negative, etc.)
          Ask: “Who would I be without this Story? (your fear belief is a lie—whou would you be without believing that lie?) write it down.

          Now…ask…”What new belief/assumption could I have about the full swing? (sit with this a moment and see new possibilities. You’ve simply bought into an old belief/assumption that’s not true.

          Now—pick which one you want–the old lie or the new assumption.

          Also…you can begin a count on your back swing…count rhythmically from 1 to 5 and keep club moving back until you get to 5.

    • Billy,

      Unless you have a physical limitation–IT IS IN YOUR HEAD!
      You hold on to some kind of fear/lack of trus in allowing yourself the freedom of the full swing? It’s an erroneous belief…nothing more.

      1. Sit with paper and pen and identify the fear/belief you think you have.
      2. Ask : is it true? yes or no
      Ask–“Can I be 100% certain my fear is true?
      Ask–When I believe this thought—how do i react? write down ALL the things it does to you (ex. holds me back, tightens me up, I get negative, etc.)
      Ask: “Who would I be without this Story? (your fear belief is a lie—whou would you be without believing that lie?) write it down.

      Now…ask…”What new belief/assumption could I have about the full swing? (sit with this a moment and see new possibilities. You’ve simply bought into an old belief/assumption that’s not true.

      Now—pick which one you want–the old lie or the new assumption.

      Also…you can begin a count on your back swing…count rhythmically from 1 to 5 and keep club moving back until you get to 5.

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