Build Your Upper Body Strength For More Power

By | on August 2, 2023 | 11 Comments | Array


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11 Responses to “Build Your Upper Body Strength For More Power”

  1. April 22, 2013


    Was thinking of getting the Ultimate swing trainer, you think me doing
    this exercises is equal to the ust thanks

    • Hi Carlos,
      I really like the Ultimate Swing Trainer. It’s very multi-purpose and sturdy. I’m a big fan of tubing exercises but I also like medicine balls, free-weights, etc. What I’m getting at is to be well-rounded with your strength routine… don’t let your body get used to the same equipment and same resistance. Your body will respond to this change.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

    • February 13, 2014


      Fine reminder ,Jeremy ,of the basic core strengthening exercises,
      It seems to me you are swinging a too low Weight m

    • February 13, 2014


      You really should :it did add distance to my driving distance ,together with improved consitency !

  2. Thanks for showing these exercises :they do add strength to your core .I also use Mike BAUMAN ‘s ULTIMATE SWING TRAINER ,as well as THE SPEED CHAIN and the TORNADO BALL .Speed in THE hip rotation is ,as PAUL WILSON demonstrates ,Paramount to increase club head Speed and distance .Bill PRICHARD ,THE cr

  3. February 13, 2014


    Jeremy ,
    Apart from the core ,the lower body strength is important for a powerful golf swing ,as the Power comes from the earth upwards :do you have exersizes (Apart the one you demonstrated recently ,lifting the knees ) to d

    • Hi Raymonod,
      There are about 10-12 videos on Ignition Golf (under the FLEXIBILITY tab) pertaining to leg strength and more to come! As for your “push” strength you should consider the two videos pertaining to lunges. Also, another good one is to go to the “Bottom Up” exercise and add a powerful squat to that exercise… in the video you will see me do a mild quick squat to help the weight up… you can always add a larger squat to that and get a wonderful “push” exercise for your thigh strength.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  4. So, I’m not using my arms here to pull the weight ….. just the shoulders and chest?

    • Actually, the primary body segment I want you to concentrate on during this series of exercises is your obliques. They are the abdominal muscles responsible for rotation of your torso. The secondary area you’ll feel these exercises will be arms, chest, back and shoulders.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. I have two questions:
    – How many times, and for how long should one do this upper body exercise each week?
    – Is it possible that by doing this, I could gain an additional 10% to as much as 20% of distance off the tee?

  6. August 2, 2023


    Thanks very much for the videos. I find that when I do exercises such as these, i am not concentrating on the “fine” points enough. With the ball and/or weights, the load is equal throughout the exercise. Your thoughts please on the tension with the band changing seemingly significantly throughout the exercise? Cheers. Greg Smith

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