Updating the L to L Drill

By | on June 9, 2019 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Updating the L to L Drill”

  1. June 10, 2019


    Does the plane of the swing change on the downswing once you go to the first “L” ?

    • Roy,

      The plane would be flattening in the downswing due to moving your body first (axis) and the mass (club) following. The drill is about getting it to hinge and rehinge properly and seeing how the plane into the through swing will allow it to make the path between the ears into the follow through. Make sure you do this one constantly.

  2. June 13, 2019




    Great tip because it gets me to loosen my wrists and then finish the swing touching my ears — a combination I have had great difficulty performing for more than 50 years because when I focus on my finish I tense up my arms and wrists so I botch my release and when I focus on relaxing my wrists to make a good release, I very rarely finish the swing. In fact, on the golf course, I frequently have just one swing thought: “Finish — touching my ears” which I note on my card when I do it. Incredibly, I often end up with one or two successful finishes in an entire round and occasionally end up with NONE!. This pre-swing drill should solve that problem forever! Bravo!

    Thanks for this gem!!

    Jim Merwin

    • Jim,

      Very good. This is vital. Also, even log after the shot you still need to do the follow through. So even if the ball has landed still do it. IF you never do it all you will never do it. If you at least do it you are doing it. Then you can go directly there as you swing through.

  3. March 9, 2020


    Great tip Paul. When doing this drill would one expect to pull and pull hook the ball which I find I am doing

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      March 19, 2020

      Paul Wilson

      Definitely! If you are doing drills that involve your arms then you would expect to hit pulls,. pull hooks and fat shots. You can cure all of them by using your legs and hips to straighten out the shot.

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