Can Walking Help You To Hit The Golf Ball?

By | on August 18, 2024 | 2 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

2 Responses to “Can Walking Help You To Hit The Golf Ball?”

  1. Paul, I like this tip very much, and also all of the effort you give to finding ways to help your students. When you watch great golfers like Nicklaus and Snead, both of them lifted their left heal, put it down at the beginning of the downswing, and both were body swingers. What is the advantage of the current view to not lifting the left heal? Is timing more of a problem with this technique? Or is it possible with the left heal on the ground to windup more tightly on the backswing and therefore have more body/club speed in the downswing. This tip also go me thinking about a person’s natural posture and their golf posture. I’ve never had very good posture (as my wife constantly tells me). I started playing golf very late in life (in my 60s), and my teacher kept telling that I always setup in an open position (unfortunately, he didn’t try to correct this or tell me what to do to correct it). Even though my feet are left parallel to the target, my spine is turned towards my right leg consequently turning my arms and shoulders to the right. Setting up this way makes the lower and upper body move forward towards the ball in the downswing. I also round my shoulders too much. As I started to video myself, I started to see some of these things and also what they did to my swing. Nonetheless, I found it very difficult to change my posture. If I don’t think about it all the time, I fall back into my poor, natural tendencies. I wonder if a lot couldn’t be learned prior to giving lessons by just looking at how a person walks, stands still, holds his/her shoulders, etc. and then working on overcoming some of these golf swing detrimental posture tendencies.

    • You would want to try to keep the front heel on the ground as much as possible, if your body can do it. I see a lot of students that keep their front foot planted and then are physically unable to wind up to 90* into the backswing. By letting the foot come up slightly, you can then wind up enough to get to the shoulder coil needed. Some younger golfers, women and more flexible golfers are able to wind up to 90* AND keep their foot planted then I would advocate for this. Try both and see what works best for you.

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