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It Is An Unmistakable Feeling In Your Legs
Paul Wilson
on January 19, 2018
Tags: Downswingfeel legs in golf swingusing legs in golf swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
40 Responses to “It Is An Unmistakable Feeling In Your Legs”
April 11, 2013
JuleHerbertThanks for the lesson on March 28. (Aside to Ignition Golf members: I highly recommend a lesson from Paul.) As you recall, most of my full swing lesson consisted of trying to complete my back swing and then finish with the club across the back of my head. Little was focused on my hips and legs, and I understand why. I can do this drill well (to an extent) on the practice tee. When actually playing a real match — not the by-my-self round — should I just focus on just releasing tension and pushing off the big right toe and finishing my swing? Or what?
Overloaded with swing thoughts.
April 12, 2013
I have just started to work on your swing positions in my practice sessions. I have a simulator at home that provides me feedback on the degrees of my swing path and degrees of my club face at impact. Can you tell me with your swing positions what the optimal combination of path and face I should be striving for?
April 13, 2013
Paul WilsonKurt,
I have not been on a good enough monitor to get this exact reading. I would think slightly from the inside with the face square but I cannot be sure. I was on one a while back but don’t trust the results. Not sure where there is a good one around here to get the reading. If I get these numbers I will let you know.
April 12, 2013
SwingMeyerDid you not say that, in golf, you do not try to hit anything? You simply coil the upper body in the backswing and uncoil the lower body in the through swing whilst keeping the hands and arms as free of tension as possible. When I do this — and I have just started — I abolutely pure it. I turned 75 today. Will shoot my age this year, God willing! Handicap has gone from 16 to 14 to 12 and now 11. But with this new mental approach, I wonder how low I can go.
April 13, 2013
Paul WilsonSwing,
You can go as low as you want. It is not about strength it is about technique. You are starting to understand it. Just keep trusting this is the way to do it and you will beat your age in no time.
Did you see this video:
Effortless Golf Swing:
And this one:
Effortless Power: How To Increase Your Swing Speed:
April 12, 2013
barrybowerHi Paul When i push off with right foot to start downswing, sometimes i get that initial feeling of upper body tilting back but at least 50% of times i feel my upper body moving forward instead of tilting back is this the over the top feeling. trying all the drills just cant shut the arms off.tried the above drill today but as i said above 50% of time as i push off my upper body goes forward , rather than tilting back.
April 13, 2013
Paul WilsonBarry,
If you are pushing and you are moving forward you are shifting left too much. This should be a gradual shift. If you shift immediate to the left as you start down you will come over the top.
Weight Distribution:
I really think you should do a video golf lesson. This would save a lot of confusion. Yes, it costs a few bucks but it’s a small price to pay to know if you are on track or not. Think about it.
More info is here:
August 6, 2018
wkalaidjianHi Paul…just spent 2 hours at the range trying to id the best trigger. Like “Barry” above, when I try pushing with the right leg, I find my body going forward leading to all kinds of bad shots. I’ve had more success focusing on the left hip, specifically feeling left hip engaged at the top of the coil, and then rotating the hip back and to the left. I think part of the problem with me using the right leg is that I am left handed and do not have a natural right handed throwing motion. Just wondering, is there any specific advantage/disadvantage from using the left hip (and glute) vs pushing from the right side when it comes to generating power.
Thanks Paul
August 6, 2018
Paul Wilsonwkalaidjian,
Yes, if you are left handed you should use a left sided trigger. There is no disadvantage. I just need you using the lower to power the swing.
April 13, 2013
RaymondCHASTELWhen you move forward on the thru swing and get the weight on the left leg ,do you straighten the knee at impact with a snap like did TIGER WOODS ,with the cons
April 15, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
You will not be snapping your leg anywhere near as fast as Tiger so you will not be hurting your knee. The knee will be slightly bent at impact. It should be locked perfectly straight by the time your right arm is parallel to the ground in the through swing. This means you are starting to lock it as soon as you start down. If you start from the top of the backswing as soon as you start down it will be locked at the 3/4 through point. If you wait it will be too bent. This is because from the top to impact is only 1/4 of a second. You cannot lock the leg in 1/4 of a second. You can do so in a little more time which is when this right arms is parallel to the ground. You want to do this to create faster rotational speed in your swing.
BTW – tiger did not lock his left knee at impact. He locked it at the 3/4 through point. This was show in Golf Digest when they showed a top down view of his swing.
Hogan’s leg was almost locked at his 3/4 through point. It locks shortly after and into the follow through. Watch:
April 15, 2013
RichardGentryGreat tip Paul. I tried this yesterday and hit some of the best, most consistent shots I’ve hit in a long time. I think it helped in 2 ways. It gave me a very specific focus on how and where to start my downswing, something I’ve struggled with in the past. It also took complete focus off my arms, allowing them to be more relaxed and flow more easily. Can’t wait to continue using this tip.
April 30, 2013
barrybowerHi Paul When you are at the follow through position how hard do you feel your grip on club is on scale 1-10. Do you feel much tension in arms at follow through position. I get the imp there should be a looseness or tension free feeling at follow through position,is this the correct feeling.
May 7, 2013
barrybowerHi Paul Great Drill been working on feeling this sensation in back leg as i plant right toe, finally after 8 months i can feel lower body starting dowswing. 2 practise session and went to course hitting ball staighter than i have ever hit it. Thanks
May 8, 2013
Paul WilsonBarry,
That’s great news. You are definitely working on it so it should be paying off.
June 3, 2013
DannyBenjaminHi Paul, At times, during the downswing, if I straighten my left leg, it almost feels like I’m lifting up from my original position..which is probably not a good thing…may cause topping or hitting the ball thin…Is that possible?
June 3, 2013
Paul WilsonDanny,
The lead leg should be straightening because you are turning NOT because you are jumping up. If you jump up you definitely will top it etc.
So to get the feeling just throw a few balls overhand out in front of you with a mid iron stance. When you do you will see that you do not jump up you turn. When you turn the lead leg locks and the other comes around and touches it. This is the same move you are doing in the golf swing. So do it a few times and get used to it. Then apply this very same feeling to some practice swings. Get used to that then try it with a ball. Hit it, hold it and check it every time to make sure it is perfect.
Legs Touching:
Lean On Club to Touch Legs:
April 24, 2016
farinfarina100Hi Paul
Because of my right knee injury (torn meniscus), I find it more comfortable to uncoil by turning the right hip. In this context, could you please explain the differences between turning hip in a barrel and turning the hip diagonally during uncoiling. And, which one of these is in your swing principles. Thank you
April 24, 2016
Paul WilsonIsmail,
I don’t want you to think turn in a barrel because the sides on a barrel are curved out. Turn inside a cylinder. This is a better image. I want circular rotation not excessive lateral motion. In other words I want you to turn with as much lateral to keep you within the span of your feet. It’s a turn and a shift. You not have to think about shifting because if you end up on the tip of your back big toe you had to have shifted your weight.
Here is the correct lower body motion:
It’s Like A Throwing Motion:
What I am trying to guard against is too much lateral motion by shifting or bumping the hips to start down. The more you move laterally the more your whole upper body tilts behind the ball. Too much tilt and you will swing too much from the inside resulting in pushes, push fades and duck hooks.
There Is Lateral Motion In The Downswing:
How To Check Your Lateral Hip Motion:
What’s Faster … Turning or Shifting Laterally To Start Your Downswing?:
April 25, 2016
farinfarina100so much information here. Thank you Paul
May 21, 2016
daviddonaldsonGood stuff here. I’m a fit and supple 73 year old leftie still hanging on to 9 handicap having played since I was 13 years old.
Had a Trackman lesson from our local pro and my driver swing speed was around 85/88 mph. Should I just accept that at my age that is as good as it now gets or do you think I could improve on it.
I am a strong advocate for your methods and have improved my striking enormously over the past 2years.
May 22, 2016
Paul WilsonDavid,
Glad you liked it.
As far as swing speed is concerned you need to be driving the legs and hips way harder with way looser wrists. Fellow member Raymond is now 82 and has a 105 swing speed but he has really worked on it. He us not a big guy either so you really can do it.
Do these drills constantly:
DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging:
DRILL: How To Really Increase Power:
DRILL: Driving Hips Harder But Hook It First:
DRILL: How To Get Faster Hip Rotation:
DRILL: Hips To Target Feeling:
DRILL: Faster Hip Rotation (UST):
May 21, 2016
Maybe this is a dumb question but I notice that you wear shoes that seem to be without cleats. Are these the shoes you wear when playing?
May 22, 2016
Paul WilsonJames,
Those are footjoy spikeless. I was wearing Ecco but these ones are good too. They have rubber spikes and yes, those are what I play in.
May 21, 2016
MichaelSkeelsHi Paul,
I have implemented a modified version of your head movement. It keeps me from swaying in the downswing and from lifting up my head at inpact. Can you explain how you coordinate your head movement with your right foot (big toe) pushing off? I have tried to post your head movment but not able to post a picture.
Thanks Mike Skeels
May 22, 2016
Paul WilsonMike,
I am just looking at the ball as I am hitting it and long after. So no matte how hard I drive the lower I maintain the spine angle. Once the ball is hit I swivel my head and pick the ball out of the sky. I just did a tip on this here:
Stop Thin and Topped Shots:
Spine Angle Follow Through:
Are You Practicing Looking Early?:
Get in the habit of doing this:
Topping: Watch for the Blur:
May 23, 2016
RaymondCHASTELPaul, there are two simple ways to rencognize the ” UNMISTAKABLE FEELING ”
The first one ,your gluteus maximus ,your quadriceps and your ” ischiojambiers ” ( In FRENCH) are Sore the DAY after an 18 hole round .
The second one ( I prefer this one) you are working a ” DAVID vs GOLIATH ) sling over your head ,and not a golf club .
You can’t ” Rough ” a sling you have to propel it fast …
January 19, 2018
KimBozikLove this tip, Paul. Have watched it many times. I tried the toe push, but for me I tend to slide/bump my hips rather than turn with that thot. Is the buckle/straight left leg that keeps me turning better, cause the instant I slide, I have that urge to just whack at it…prob from years of doing that exact move. :(. -Kim
January 21, 2018
Paul WilsonKim,
Got to be decisive and stick with one until you are good at it. The best way to choose is doing practice swings off the ground at knee high. As you make swings this way feel what is making you do it. This will most likely be the one you should be doing.
January 21, 2018
michaelBowenHi Paul, I’ve been doing this for a number of months now and going well. Friends are saying they love my swing, only problem I have now is getting sciatica right down my right leg from my right glut to my right calf. Have been to the physio and still get a shooting pain down my right leg towards the upswing as I uncoil with my lower body, which as you can imaging buggers everything up !!! Can you think of what I’m doing wrong or has anyone else had a similar problem ??
January 21, 2018
Paul WilsonMichael,
Never heard of this before. Maybe you are doing it too hard. You have to know your limits. Send us your swing so we can check too see if you are doing anything wrong. I always say if you are feeling any pain doing my swing you are doing it wrong. So it is highly likely you are not doing it quite right or going a million mph. I am doing it hard and fast but that for me is about 80%.
January 25, 2018
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,I have a question not related to the present video lesson.
How do you play a shot when you feel you are in between clubs ?
Say you have a green which requires in between a 7 or 6 iron to be reached .
What club should you play?
For me ,I always go for the stronger club ,the 6 iron in this case ,and I swing it smoother .Some say they would swing the 7 iron more aggresively .Of course you have to take in account the pin placement ,front,middle or back of green ,which can make a couple (20 yards )of numbers difference .
January 25, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
This can be tricky. Every time I feel I have to hit less club harder to get it there I use arms and pull it. So I have started to go with more club swinging easier. Think about it. You normally don’t hit the lesson club the distance you think you are going to hit it anyway. We miss it most times anyway. This means that as much as you think you are half a club too short you are most likely 1 club too short. Your have a club too much will be perfect if you slightly miss hit it. This would be a perfect shot. If you do hit it perfectly you are 5 yards long. 5 long vs. 5 short is the same thing but you didn’t try to hit it real hard to get it there. All you have to do to decide is count your next few rounds and how many times you are short of the pin vs. long. I guarantee you are more short than long. If this is the case take more club.
May 21, 2018
After using my arms and hands for so long to hit the ball, I still find myself starting my downswing with my right hand and arm and coming over the top. Many times I have a flying right elbow (I am right handed). Do you have any tips to turn off my right hand and eliminate my flying elbow?
May 22, 2018
Paul WilsonJavier,
You need to swing easier to get used to taking the arms out. So you do this drill:
DRILL: This Is The Best Drill You Should Be Doing Right Now:
Once you can do that you get used to the feeling of not hitting or helping the shot with your arms. Then you speed up your leg drive for more power.
You also need to make sure you are coiling and uncoiling getting the spring-like effect. If there is no spring you will have to hit with your arms because you have no other way to hit the ball.
Also, are you doing the touch the head position? If you are hitting the ball with your arms you will most likely not be doing this position. So make sure you are working on this as well as the other positions.
One Of The Secrets To The Golf Swing:
May 25, 2018
Making some meaningful progress on powerless arms finally – it has been a long and difficult journey.
I have a comment/question.
In order for me to hit the ball with my legs, I need to REALLY think about maintaining the tight feeling in the lower body during the backswing. I have watched many tips of yours, and I seem to think that you are also feeling the tightness in the coil in your shoulders and left lat. Is this accurate? I don’t seem to really feel that but I am pretty loose; and it actually helps me hit turn my arms off.
If I do feel the coil in my upper body, it is only briefly in the backswing but really not much.
May 26, 2018
Paul WilsonSteven,
The coil is a huge part of this. No coil means you have nothing but arms to hit the ball. Do you get the coil to allow you to have another power source in your swing. Once you do, you can turn your arms off and still hit the ball.
I definitely feel the right coil in the left lat. This is telling me I have the spring.
Pros Know Its A Tight Coil:
So keep working on mastering the coil.
August 14, 2018
wkalaidjianPaul…on the range today still working and struggling to find that elusive feeling in the legs. Since I’m left handed, I’ve been focusing on using the left hip as the trigger but I find I often don’t complete the turn after the initial movement. At the end of my hitting today, I tried your method by pivoting on the ball of the right foot. By unweighing the heel and pivoting on the ball of the right foot, my right leg came over very easily and I hit the best drive of the day. I thought, maybe this is the feeling Paul’s talking about. By pivoting to the left on the ball of my right foot it seemed to make the turn, and subsequent legs touching much easier and quicker. Do you pivot on the ball of your right foot as a way of getting that right leg to touch the left? Is there a conscious shift from your right hill which you describe as “digging in” to the ball of the right foot?
Thanks for the details. W
November 27, 2018
dougsouthardPaul, have not seen where you have talked about separation between the hips and shoulders. Is that something we need to consciously think about (keep shoulders closed while hips are fireing open) or will the shoulders naturally stay closed if arms are powerless? When I see the long hitting pros their hips have rotated totally left and shoulders have not moved much.
November 27, 2018
Paul WilsonDoug,
I have a few tips on it here:
Up In The Air Drills – Separation:
Pro Versus Am – Downswing Separation:
Three Inches To Separation:
You don’t need to think about it you need to work on it until it happens.