Try The Triggers

By | on July 15, 2018 | 34 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

34 Responses to “Try The Triggers”

  1. July 15, 2018


    Having been one who has “swayed” into the ball for years, seems my preference is “lock the forward leg” as it eliminates the sway and enables a “firm lead side”. Make sense, Paul?

  2. July 15, 2018


    Have not done this. Will definitely do this today at the range. I know this will assist my consistency.
    Thanks Paul!

  3. Great review, just what I needed, don’t be afraid to repeat things. We forget.

  4. Due to my back pain, I tend to slightly lift my front heel in back swing. I like your tip “FEEL THE HEEL” for fat shots. This starts my down swing and then front leg locks. Help reduce pain and hitting fat shots. Any comments? Thanks for great tips!

  5. I believe I use a combination. I push off the instep, and at what feels like the same time the lead leg straightens and locks

    • I agree. The triggers can work in harmony. I too push hard of right instep and straighten left leg to make sure I don’t SLIDE. Remember to push in a circular way; otherwise, you will slide. The image of the knee turning around a “compass” or “protractor” helps some golfers avoid sliding with that pushing motion.

    • Bob,

      Two triggers are fine too. Glad you are doing them.

  6. I suspect right instep would be best as it also helps to stabilize the feet too. I rocked onto back foot, this helps

  7. Hello Paul, I’m narrowing it down to triggers 5 & 6, giving each trigger a 3 week test run if you will, I have notice a lot of instructor on the golf channel and internet talk about keeping your wrist flat and/or bowed and at contact ensuring your hands a turning toward the ground, keeping in mind I am paraphrasing, what are your thoughts, I know we’re trying to turn off the arms, thanks

    • Gary,

      You do what they say and you will shoot a million. What they don’t seem to realize is just the slightest bit of open and closed to the face and you will hit the ball way off line. The boxing of this wrist is do to the right fundamentals not because you are purposely trying to do this. Just remember that impact is not the widest point of the arc. The widest point doesn’t occur until after the ball is hit. If impact isn’t the widest point why would you care about it?


      Knuckles Down At Impact:

      Watch this too:

      Back Wrist at Impact:

  8. Paul,
    I”m having trouble with locking my lead leg. I seem to hit a lot of THIN shots. Any tips on getting past this. You talked about tilting, but I’m still not always getting down to the ball. Man U R right when you do it correctly WOW just need to get consistent.

    Many thanks for all your help.
    Steve Kallberg

  9. Paul, as usual an insightful, valuable explanation of all of the triggers. I am an intense person, and I notice that I become anxious to start the downswing which I generally do too early. I remember reading in Al Geiberger’s book on tempo (and obviously he had a beautiful swing and wonderful tempo) his discussion of downswing anxiety. He believed that when he achieved the correct position in the backswing (shoulders, arms, wrists club, lower body, tension between upper and lower body) that he felt so ready to start the downswing that there was no anxiety whatsoever. However, when he didn’t achieve the correct final backswing position (which he attributed largely to poor alignment), instinctively he knew something was wrong and then became anxious to start the downswing. In this latter case, he said that at best he hit a mediocre shot. Do any of your tips deal with this downswing anxiety? Thanks again for all the great tips and lessons.

    • Paul,

      I don’t have tips on downswing anxiety. This would be part of hitting with arms though. I also have tips on setting the backswing.

      We all go through these issues. I like the setting of the club at the top too. Once I feel my spot I know it is going to be a good shot.

      What you need to do is work on the grip to make sure there is no doubt the face is dead square at the top. You also work on fully hinging the club as it gets to the top. Once you have and know that you are doing these things you are then attaching them to your body which is coiling. So once you have the arm unit working your focus switches to coiling and the tight feeling of the coil. This is consistent and you can repeat it. So you start to forget the arms knowing that they will be in a good position if you coil properly. You focus on the coil. Once tight, you know you are at the top which gives you the all clear to uncoil with the lower. So seeing it a little differently might help.


      The Importance of Setting the Backswing:

      Pros Know Its A Tight Coil:

      Simple Coiling and Uncoiling Thought:

      Think Simple:

      Hope this helps.

  10. Loved the tip and going to the range to try them out. Note: #6 on video, touch is spelled tough.

    • John,

      Thanks for the heads up. Will get fit in the near future. Yes, try them and decide on which one you will be using … forever.

  11. Paul,

    Today at the range, I changed my downswing trigger with “digging my left heel” into the ground. I discovered that helped me a lot to lock the left leg and had the left hip straight over the left foot during the rotation without sliding.
    My feeling was to have a solid rotation axis.
    And amazingly, the lower body led the upper body. It was like a “click”. I felt my arms became suddenly powerless.

    Is my trigger in accordance with your teaching?

    Thank for your help.

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      August 6, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      That would be a left leg trigger. I have never heard about that one but if it gets you to do it then keep doing it. I am always open to what works because different people feel different things. I would keep doing it as I sounds like everything is clicking when you do it.

  12. March 27, 2019



    After trying out a few of the triggers over a couple years, I have never really fell in love with one. I still was sliding, not turning in a circle, and felt real uncomfortable when trying the lock the lead leg trigger.

    Recently I had a thought pop in my head of trying “turn the back hip to the target” as a trigger. In practice swings it feels like it’s forcing me to make a circular turn. I think this is similar to your trigger thought in your “simple coiling and uncoiling thought” video.

    Do you see any issues with this trigger?


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      March 31, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      No I do not have a problem with it. This is tied in with the hip trigger. You can use either hip or both. It’s up to you. If one works then keep doing it and get good at it.

      Once you get the trigger triggering your swing it becomes a whole new world.

  13. March 31, 2019


    If you keep your weight on the inner aspect of your rt. foot and don’t go to lateral aspect, the “trigger” is automatic.

    • Joseph,

      Yes, for most it is. The problem is getting people to really think about loading to the instep. They seem to get distracted when this is one of the most vital positions in the golf swing.

  14. April 20, 2019


    Hi Pail,

    Was out at the range today working on my trigger and had a question. I’ve gotten decently consistent hitting good shots with my 7 iron but when I switched to my 5 iron and driver, my consistency dropped big time. Any idea what might be causing that?


  15. Avatar photo

    September 11, 2021



    When I practiced your triggers the other day, I realized that back knee ahead of ball and back foot triggers are tightly coupled.

    What I meant is that when I used back foot trigger to initiate the downswing, I need to use back knee ahead of ball to make a circular motion. Otherwise I potentially will slide my body. Also it is the indicator for me to make sure that my hip turns properly before the club hits the ball.

    Does this make sense to you?


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      September 24, 2021

      Paul Wilson

      Yes, you want to find a trigger that makes you turn circular when hitting the golf ball and definitely do not slide. I would also try the locking of the lead leg, this can be a great one to make sure there is no sideways motion.

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