Trust Yourself

By | on July 29, 2013 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Trust Yourself”

  1. Love it. I noticed especially on the drive it is important to have a relaxed feeling more than anything. Its a trust that you are set in the correct position and a free total swing will get the job done. A few times I really drove the ball this weekend truly far and straight. It was a matter of trust, but I also noticed something else.

    I noticed that it really helped to feel the sense of throwing the club away from me in an outward feeling. I could feel how even though you throw the club out it meets that final end of a loose arm and wrist and wips like crazy right at impact. And if I get it square, god that ball just takes off………….

    Thanks Paul and Jim, It did take more of a relaxed approach and really keeping arms loose that got it…………….


  2. DAVE ,Could you give us a lesson on the so praised “VISUALIZATION “technique .
    I’m not so good at that ,I just look where I want to get the ball at ,but don,t “see “the ball flying in the air nor “landing” and “rolling ” as JACK NICKLAUS says he does .
    Does this technique really means something at all ?

    • Hi Raymond,

      Sure–Visualization is extremely helpful though some visualize more clearly than others.

      Why isn’t yours good?

      It means a lot–when you consider the truth about the mind/body/performance connection. It’s undeniable and under utilized in a conscious way by golfers.

      And this truth is what “Wired to Win” is based on–as well as all my training videos as well.

  3. this is so true 😀 its like nike *(JUST DO IT )

    thnx for the tip


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