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Trigger Finger – Question Mark
Paul Wilson
on September 16, 2017
Tags: golf gripperfect golf gripright hand golf clubRight Hand Golf Grip
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “Trigger Finger – Question Mark”
September 17, 2017
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Does the “question mark ” -crooked right index-play a role in the speeding up of the club in the downswing/throughswing ,e.g ,does it apply pressure to the handle or (As I do )just sit there just maintaining the club in position?
If the arms/hands remain powerless ,moved solely by the rotation the hips ,the fingers are just links and don’t play any active role .
I even loosen up the right thumb to be sure it does not interfere
September 18, 2017
Paul WilsonRaymond,
There is no active role in the hands. This is on in this position to stop the club from wiggling around.
September 19, 2017
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,If you watch a swing in slow motion of some of the best golfers ,there’s some kind of a “flattening” of the left hand at the end of the backswing ,just before the initiation of the downswing and a similar “flattening ” of the plane on which the club will move in the downswing .
Is this a natural movement ,happening by itself ,or should it be learned ?
I do nothing of the kind ,and my swing works quite nicely
September 19, 2017
Paul WilsonRaymond,
This would be happening as you go the other way with your lower body. As you do this would compress the angle in the wrists and start dropping the club on plane. I see this in my swing. In no way am I thinking about doing this. I am trying to not do anything from the top. I am clearly focused on powering it with the legs and hips.
September 25, 2017
JohnBensonI had a hard time closing that V on my right hand. This is a good visual and It feels better when I grip my club.
I married this with my left hand position from your previous video and they really align nicely. I now practice and play better now that I have the right answers in my head.
September 25, 2017
Paul WilsonJohn,
The neutral grip is vital in a good swing. Glad you see it. It will take a while to get used to it but once you do you will not want to go back. Fight through it.
March 4, 2018
LynnMooreWhat is the relationship of the grip to the club face?
Are the grooves vertical when the top hand is applied from the side?
March 5, 2018
Paul WilsonLynne,
Groove are definitely vertical. You would probably not be putting the grip on the club up in the air when you hit your shots. You would be doing all this with the club on the ground behind the ball.
Set Up With the Back Hand: https://ignitiongolf.com/set-up-back-hand/
Learning the Setup Routine: https://ignitiongolf.com/learning-setup-routine/