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The Time Machine
Paul Wilson
on July 23, 2015
Tags: body golf swingno arms golf swingpowerless arms
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
15 Responses to “The Time Machine”
July 24, 2015
johnhoyleGreetings Coach As you know you have been teaching me this game for over a year, teaching me to change all that i thought i knew about this wonderful game, to how to really play and play well.GRIP, STANCE, WEIGHT SHIFT, FOLLOW THROUGH, DRIVE WITH THE HIPS ANS LEGS, TOUCH THE LEGS, HOW TO PITCH, HOW TO CHIP,BUNKER RECOVERY, DRIVER,DR BRESLOW MIND GAME,JEREMY PHYSICAL, all that and more,but for me the most game changing lessen. POWERLESS ARMS POWERLESS ARMS POWERLESS ARMS,and, after over a year. yesterday it finally sunk in .I think for the first time i really relaxed an let go. I mean really let go and felt like there was no FEELING in my arms. For me and my game THANK YOU COACH I wont stop learning but i think that that may have been my biggest hurdle. We shall see. Talk to you later. I dont want others to think i am kissing your back side but for those out there who know///// its true.
July 24, 2015
Paul WilsonJohn,
Glad you go the “nothing” feeling. Funny how it takes people so long. It is about giving up the feeling of power and hitting. They just don’t want to do it so I will just keep explaining why until they do.
July 24, 2015
This video really sunk in. You got it so right, I am exactly how you explained it. As an adult, hitting at the range, I notice how much arms I use when I notice a young kid just hitting so “effortlessly” and striking the ball great. I started in Junior Hight School, but my golf coach was AWFUL and taught all of us the wrong way. Since then taking lessons with PGA certified instructors, not one told me to swing with relaxed arms. Here I am struggling with consistency in my game, and all there doing is change your grip, move this shoulder back, come through with your left hand flat AAAAGGGGHHHH! Not one focused on leg drive, touch the legs, think of your trigger. I am sitting at a 12 handicap, I want to be a whole lot better and consistence. It has been only 4 1/2 month since I took on ignition golf, seeing improvements, I have aways to go, but am happy with were my swing is headed and what your teaching in your videos. Really need some fine tuning with you on some work spots, Thanks Paul
July 24, 2015
Paul WilsonTony,
I went through this too. In all the teachers I went to (some of the best in the world) no one ever said to not hit with my arms. So I was in limbo for 10 years. Just stick to the plan of turning your arms off and doing precise positions. If you look like a great golfer you will have the right fundamentals. I will just keep trying to explain a different way to swing. Hopefully, more and more people do it.
July 24, 2015
KimBozikYup, that first one you hit, you looked just like Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack…
Can vouch for the ‘second type’ of player…I learned as a kid, was a good player until college and went way down in play ‘midlife’…handicap got higher again and jumping on your site has been the <> thing to bring it back down.
This is a great tip. Thanks again!
July 26, 2015
Paul WilsonKim,
Glad you liked it. Thanks,
July 25, 2015
terrybadgeri think Dustin Johnson has the closest swing to what you are preaching. His right elbow is in and he maintains that body tilt throughout his swing and it looks effortless. What do you think?
July 26, 2015
Paul WilsonTerry,
He has a good move. I hate the top of the backswing tough. This is from pulling back with his stronger right hand when he was a kid. I can’t believe no one fixed this.
Better example would be Oosthuizen.
April 5, 2016
Steven DI guess I missed this tip the first time around. I only had 30 years between golf swings and, as a result of some “tendinitis” last summer and a six-month hiatus, I’m REALLY following your instruction, which I’ve appreciated and incorporated in an incomplete way for several years. It feels absolutely great. All I can say to others is “LISTEN TO PAUL!!”
Best wishes.
April 6, 2016
Paul WilsonSteve,
Glad you like the tips. Thanks for the shout out to other members. Tendinitis is not good. If that was with golf you were most certainly hitting with arms. Once you learn my stuff this will never happen. Keep up the good work.
April 6, 2016
Steven DIt wasn’t exactly tendinitis, Paul, but rather a combination of tightness (from my primary occupation) and an old shoulder/scapula injury from about 12 years ago. I’ve worked with a physical therapist since last August, when golf was exacerbating the situation. I haven’t played golf since last September but have practiced about once a week for the last few weeks, each time doing practice swings and hitting a few more balls without ill effect. When I did use my arms (to purposely hook the ball if I was slicing in practice) last summer, I definitely felt it in my right forearm. However, I have not been slicing since I’ve become so conscientious about touching the legs and touching the head – and of course not looking up too soon!
April 6, 2016
Paul WilsonSteve,
Just be careful. Turning the arms off is going to allow you to play pain-free for a long time. If you start to feel your arms you are using them so go back down to 50% and build it back up again.
April 6, 2016
Steven DSo far, so good. Thanks for your reply, Paul.
July 10, 2017
JohnBoydAt a higher level, do some of the tour players not add a little arm strength to their swing?
July 11, 2017
Paul WilsonJohn,
There are plenty of pros who use body and arms. Anyone with a fast swing is also using their arms because your body cannot physically move the arms that fast. The thing is they have amazing short games which still allows them to get it up and down. I’m sure a lot more could be way better if they stopped hitting with the arms.