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Think of the Instep Going Back
Paul Wilson
on February 8, 2015
Tags: Backswinggolf weight shiftloading weight golf swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
9 Responses to “Think of the Instep Going Back”
February 8, 2015
GerryForwellthe “Remember Me” does not work. I have to re type my password every time.
Thanks for your insightful tips. You are a great teacher.
February 9, 2015
KennthBovaPaul, I just saw this on YouTube about a 3 yr old with only one arm. His body swings his left arm and hits the ball straight.
February 9, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Fine reminder of an essential point of your teaching .
How much flexed should be your right knee ?
Your’s seems to be nearly straight when you go back.
Also is this move on the back leg compatible with the “CENTERED SWING ” which seems to be the today’s buzz?
February 10, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
It should be flexed the same amount it is at address.
Flexed Right Knee Holding Knee:
By centered I am assuming you mean keeping your head still as you go back. Why would anyone want to do this. It is a reverse pivot plus anyone who does this has their head go back anyway in the downswing. If you head moves back anyway why would you not move it going back. Keep in mind until someone comes up with a swing that could beat Tiger Woods in 2001-2003 I will keep teaching what I teach.
February 9, 2015
TomHi Paul, very timely tip for me! Starting off the golf season again and yesterday battled with the urge to hit with arms despite all the practice indoors over the winter. I just got swept away trying to bust the ball. Old habits die hard!
I think a few practice rounds on my own to get the feeling back and trust it before playing competitions again. Thanks Paul
February 10, 2015
Paul WilsonTom,
You need to start off at 50% and just do the position you have done in the winter. This means you don’t care about the ball. You swing through and hold the finish. Check it. Then keep repeating until the ball does not destroy your positioning. At some point you have to tell your self that your old golf swing does not work. Once this happens you gain incredible focus on building the new one. The faster this happens the faster you will play great golf. You can do it.
February 9, 2015
LouisBondPaul, I seem to do fine on the range but get nervous over the ball when I play.
I do find myself getting on the outside of the right foot & it seems to cost me the most distance.
February 10, 2015
Paul WilsonLouis,
Why would you get nervous on the course? You should not be caring about the ball. Instead, you should be focused on doing the positions when you play. Understand you are making a transition to a new swing. You are not good at it. You will hit some good ones and lots of bad ones at first. The good ones are telling you what is coming if you keep doing it. Focus on the movement when you play. Forget score. Swing at 50% and you will get it in no time. I have a bunch of tip on how to take it to the course.
How To Take Your Swing From The Range To The Course:
Taking Powerless Arms to the Course:
What To Think About When You Play:
Playing Thoughts:
Steps To Take It To The Course:
February 10, 2015
My biggest fault at times has been attempting to overload the back swing with too much extension resulting in too much hip rotation that interferes with proper weight shift and causes use of the arms. The overload mechanism is apparently an unconscious desire to power the ball. It takes discipline to do a simple back swing by just maximizing shoulder turn and keeping the pelvis and legs forward and centered. With practice I’m getting better at it.