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Look For This Clue
Paul Wilson
on November 15, 2018
Tags: Effortless Golf Swingpowerless armsthin shot golftopped golf shots
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
20 Responses to “Look For This Clue”
November 24, 2015
RonCalabreseNo questions today, Paul. Just wanted to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.
Best Regards, Ron
November 25, 2015
Paul WilsonRon,
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
November 24, 2015
johnhoyleGreetings Coach Ron I don’t know you but have a great Thanksgiving also same to you and yours coach. Some time ago you told me I was looking up because I was trying to hit and hit too hard .The next time I played I tried to keep that thought in my head and as you know you were right. I kept ,most of the time, to keep my tempo smooth. THANKS COACH
November 25, 2015
Paul WilsonJohn,
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Yes, you have to swing within yourself. I swing about 80%. I could go harder but why? I like keeping the ball in play.
November 25, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul,Thanksgiving is not an event here in FRANCE ,so I can only join in with the other commentators here and wish all the best on this occasion for you and your nice team.
As for the lesson ,I note you were hitting off a tee ,that’s easy .
Thinning and topping happens for me only with the Fairway woods off the fairway or from the short rough .
I do with what you advise ,hitting at 50% when this occurs ,but I also “stretch up ” my upper body ,then “stretch down “with my arms ,to stay loose .
It works !
November 25, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Thank you for the kind words.
We already talked about the fairway woods. You are trying to hit them too hard. Just keep the power out of the arms and you will be fine. Glad you are doing it. It is natural to swing hard. We have to tell ourselves to swing at a level we can handle.
November 26, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul,Without any relation to this video ,could you please one day show us how to play a ball sitting in a plugged lie .
On TV ,this happened twice recently :in one occurrence ,it was KEVIN KISSNER ( hé won by a large margin) who had a ball in more Or less a plugged lie And amidst sparsed grass .Hé MOVED the ball by inches only.
On another occasion ,the player ( I didn’t get his name ) had a very plugged lie in a greenside bunker : hé didn’t extract it neither ,the ball barely hit the lip OF the bunker ,then rolled back in his footsteps ,which was also a troubled lie ,but this Time hé MADE it .
November 26, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I will add this to the list but really you would just do a punch shot and hope for the best.
Knock Down Shot:
I did plugged lie in the bunker already here:
Plugged Bunker Shots:
November 15, 2018
AlYurtkuranHI Paul, just recently during traveling my driver shaft got broken. It was a 55 gm expensive regular shaft, l was not able to find the same shaft and replaced it with 65 gm regular. Now all my drives looks awful l mean awful awful , some fade some hooks, nothing like used to be. Should l blame the shaft or myself? Please help. I am still swinging very well with all my other clubs , 3 wood, hybrids and irons.
November 16, 2018
Paul WilsonAl,
I can be the shaft. There is no standard for shafts. One companies stiff many be another companies regular. You should get the same brand or go to a clubfitter to find a comparable shaft that is right for your swing. No 2 shafts are identical. Check ebay for the original shaft. It will be on there.
November 15, 2018
GLENNWISSEI had the dreaded TOPS last spring. It was horrible. Everyone told me to keep my head down and of course that didn’t help. I finally just tried to swing easy and make good contact. That helped but with this tip I’ll know what to do and stop the tops!! Thanks for a great tip.
November 16, 2018
Paul WilsonGlenn,
Exactly. It is not really a keep the head down thing. It is look at the ball until you hit it thing but why would you look up? I think I explained it in the tip.
November 16, 2018
GregoryRigbyHi Paul
I have found that my attempts to get my hips into the shot can sometimes result in my club arriving an instant late at the ball. On these occasions, the club face is open and I get a slice.
Any clues to get the timing of the clubs arrival at the ball better coordinated.
November 16, 2018
Paul WilsonGreg,
Right = tight. You are speeding up only 1 part of the swing so of course you would blow it right. You need to watch these tips:
DRILL: Golf Swing Timing For More Distance:
Driving Hips Harder But Hook It First:
November 24, 2018
DerekSharpStrange, but I very rarely top a driver. I am happy with most of my driver shots. Its the irons that I have a problem with. And you are right, too much power in the arms does result in a topped shot. Just that the precision required on a 5 iron seems so much more than a driver. I understand the problem: pros hit the ground after the ball after hitting an iron shot so I figure they have a bit more error forgiveness in that shot as long as they get the swing right. A little divot a or a bigger divot is history after the ball has left the scene.. However hard I try I cant seem to do that, So rely on precision to hit the ball clean for a good shot. I reckon it is more difficult to hit a clean shot consistently with a 5 iron than take a divot with a 5 iron if ever I could figure the timing to do that. I am begining to think that is the hardest thing to learn in golf
November 26, 2018
Paul WilsonDerek,
There are numerous tips on divots. If you are not taking one you are hitting with arms. So watch the tips below and understand it then start working on curing your chicken wing. I have tons of tips on curing a chicken wing. Go to any page. Red navigation bar. To the right type in what you are searching for and all tips on that subject will come up.
Further Understanding of Divots:
Illustrating Why A Divot Is Taken:
How To Take A Divot:
Never Purposely Hit Down On The Ball:
Why You Do Not Take Divots:
Cause and Effect – Trying To Take A Divot:
December 16, 2018
EdwinShimpockCan you advise me of one of your tips for lining up to hit my driver and also lining up to hit my irons using the Body Swing?
Ed Shimpock
December 17, 2018
Paul WilsonEdwin,
Here are a few tips:
Set Up With the Back Hand:
Intermediate Target:
Toe Up Or Toe Down:
Tick Mark:
As far as placing the club behind the ball I have it a couple of inches from the ball so I don’t touch the ball. Also, I like to align it off the toe. You can do what you feel works. Just don’t line it off the heel. So center or favoring the toe.
December 26, 2018
This tip hit home with me.
My club has a longish Par 5 ninth hole with water front and right of the green – not very forgiving. I am usually left with a short iron in but frequently hit a thin, push, fade into the water – ruining many a round. After viewing this video, I’m betting that the tension/anxiety of the shot along with memory of past failures is making me speed up and get tense arms that are partially retracting – maybe combining with looking up to see if my prayer had been answered.
Am I correct that the next time I am faced with this shot I follow a Paul Wilson mantra – take a few breaths to relax, take a couple very easy practice swings, and use an extra club going at 50 percent?
December 26, 2018
Paul WilsonMike,
Glad you liked it.
So may people worry about these shots and get too focused on the trouble. I ONLY think about trouble when I’m in it. Other than that it never even enters my mind. I see where I want to hit it. This is the focus. I didn’t always think like this and I too experienced what you are experiencing. The new way of thinking turned it around completely and got me to a whole new level.
Yes, do that but also isolate the target. Pick out a leaf on the tree etc. A precise part of the target. The smaller the point the more you will think of the target. This will take your mind off the trouble.