The Candle

By | on May 27, 2024 | 8 Comments | Array


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8 Responses to “The Candle”

  1. Quite an unusual exercise ,Dear David!Do you mean that when on the course you have to visualize the ” flame ” to regain focus ?

    • Hi Raymond,

      No…unless you want to. It’s a focus exercise away from the course that helps you target and focus better when on the course.

      Hope that helps!


  2. November 2, 2013


    your advice is excellent David, love these sections. ps, my house burned down. ( lol)

  3. October 14, 2014


    A question:
    Would aroma therapy with the candle exercise be even better? You could then bring the scent on the course in some form and the association between the smell and the after thought of the candle exercise be symbiotic. Your thoughts


    • October 14, 2014

      Paul Wilson

      Answer from David Breslow:

      Hi John!

      ​Aroma therapy is just fine if that works for you! It’s a great complement to the exercise. I say YES!

  4. David,Fine to remind us of this excellent and very useful exercise .Focus on the target is one of the single most important thing to do on the golf course .

  5. April 18, 2017


    This works really well for me, thanks David. I can see my brain “tuning” out everything else allowing me to really focus. Excellent.

    Really like your tips and WtW program
    Bruce Berg

  6. David ,I revert to this excellent exercise -“THE CANDLE”
    I tried it on the golf course today ,specifically for putting .
    I just put(mentally !)the candle in the hole and focused on fixing the flickering flame .Well ,the results were outstanding ,both for the long lag puts and the short 7/8 feet puts .They all went in! I even holed a 60 feet put from the fringe doing so!

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