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Test Series – Can You Hold Onto the Tee
Paul Wilson
on December 26, 2024
Tags: bothcorrect golf gripfaulty golf griploose wrists golf swingproper golf grip
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
16 Responses to “Test Series – Can You Hold Onto the Tee”
April 13, 2015
Pretty sure that I am letting go at the top as you demo, cause I can see my driver in my backswing at the top. Making me a bit less consistent off the tee usually to the left as I am probably regripping at the top? This will definitely be my next drill to master. I did get out and while I was striking the ball well, didn’t score great. Not really disappointed as I know this is going to come around. Will let you know when I hit or break 75. Looking forward to hitting another pile soon.
April 13, 2015
Paul WilsonKim,
Yes sounds a little long. Letting go at the top is a real problem not only in consistency but also when you grip back on you tighten your arms.
Also, just remember that once you are tightly coiled this is the top of the backswing. So look for the tightness to tell you that you are at the top.
Secure Grip Loose Wrists: https://ignitiongolf.com/secure-grip-loose-wrists/
How Long Should The Backswing Be With Different Clubs?: https://ignitiongolf.com/backswing-how-long
April 13, 2015
RaymondCHASTELThe wrists but the hands also have to be loose ,that’s certain:the difficult part of it is to have the left pinkie and the two adjacent fingers to the pinkie loose at the same time ,without letting go of the handle at the top of the backswing and then have to re-hinge and therefore drop the tee…
If the tee doesn’t drop going back ,there’s few chances it will in the throughswing as the centrifugal force obliges you to hold onto the handle to avoid the club flying away wild !
April 13, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Not sure about a lose grip. Mine certainly isn’t loose. My grip is secure my wrists are loose.
October 11, 2019
I have been working on my swing since April with ignition golf and I was ok. Today I only worked on my grip as Paul tells us to do on the first video in ignition golf. I have played all my life so I thought I could skip ahead In the ignition training. But today I could see in his right hand the club in the first finger was closer to tip of it. Plus the left hand with the tee and not letting go. I am telling you can practice all you want but if you get the grip right you can truly feel loose wrists like I did today for the first time. I hit long and had time to finish the swing.
Thanks Paul Wilson
October 17, 2019
Paul WilsonRichard,
You’re welcome. It all starts with the grip and setup. If this is wrong you need another flaw to hit good shot. If so, you need to hit 300-500 balls daily to time these 2 flaws consistently. So the grip and setup is where it all starts. Keep checking it.
April 14, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Your fingers are certainly rather loose at the outset of the swing :I don’t see how you can keep your wrists loose without also loosening the fingers (Or keep them relaxed ,not tight )at the same time .
That’s at least what happens to me .
Maybe JEREMY KLINKHAMER ,the specialist on the subject , could elaborate on the subject !
April 15, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
At address sure.
You can hold on secure with loose wrists. Watch:
Secure Grip Loose Wrists: https://ignitiongolf.com/secure-grip-loose-wrists/
April 14, 2015
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,Just an after thought :to keep arms wrists and fingers loose before starting the backswing , I “Waggle like a wet mop ” the right and left arm before taking my grip on the handle
April 15, 2015
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Although the fingers may be loose they are not coming off the club or separating from the grip in any way.
April 14, 2015
DavidCalvertHi paul
Recently my friend returned from a vist to the states and bought back with him a swing speed radar witch we have been playing around with the last week
What we found that his normal swing speed going 100percent was about 106 mph but when he used his body and had a slow swing it read around 95 to 100 but the ball some how travels further
Why is this?
Is it smash factor?
Many thanks.
April 15, 2015
Paul WilsonDavid,
There are many factors that contribute to distance. I would think in this case is more direct contact on the ball. If you don’t make direct contact you would lose power with a faster swing.
May 7, 2015
Mike GaffneyPaul,
Am I understanding that there is not a conscious effort to swing the arms and release the hands? The release of the hands and roll over of the wrist happens due to the lower body initiating the swing and centrifugal force taking over?
May 7, 2015
Paul WilsonMike,
But if someone cannot do that by turning their arms off they need to manually work on the correct positions and release. Once they get it then they turn them off.
October 10, 2019
johnhoylegreetings coach i was very interested in your tip tee behind the ball .my biggest flaw is looking up to see that beautiful shot that never is there.i have tried looking over top of the ball but was worried that looking behind the ball would result in a fat shot. i like your idea.if i used this tip when i played would i be asking for trouble ,a slight or fade i could live with. thanks for all your help over the years,so happy to have found you.
October 17, 2019
Paul WilsonJohn,
Yes, this is a good one. Gives you something to look at and gets you coming from the side. Keep doing this until you have trained yourself then stop thinking about it. IF you hit the ground behind just make a better shift off this back foot. Thanks for sticking with us.