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Taking Out Your Frustrations
Paul Wilson
on August 1, 2017
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
5 Responses to “Taking Out Your Frustrations”
August 2, 2017
LeeDanekerI can relate to this tip. Actually, I have become pretty good at turning off my arms. I am not a long hitter, but I can hit my 6 iron straight and about 145 yards. The interesting thing is, when I hit a great shot with my 6 by uncoiling my lower body and leaving my arms powerless, it doesn’t feel like I have done anything — I take my stance, coil, and uncoil and the ball files. In contrast, when I used to hit with my arms, it felt like I was doing something — whacking it, but shots weren’t good. It’s a paradox. Of course, I much prefer “doing nothing” and hitting great shots to “doing something” and hitting lousy shots. I got the powerless arms swing as a concept right away, but it took me quite a while to be able to do it. There were several tips that really helped. One was about thinking relaxed. Another was feeling my weight on my right leg instep at the top of my backswing. The others were about triggers. It took me quite a while to find the trigger that works for me. Thanks for the “yes” tips. They have been a real key.
August 3, 2017
Paul WilsonLee,
Glad you can relate. I figured many people would. Now you see what I go through. The feeling of doing nothing is hard to trust. Sounds like you are on track. At some point if you want more power follow this tip:
DRILL: Golf Swing Timing For More Distance:
August 4, 2017
LeeDanekerI looked at the timing-more-distance tip and went to the range today to give it a try. By rolling my wrists, I was able to get send the ball left, but it didn’t hook. I could hit one shot after another left, but on a straight line — I was pulling the ball. Do you know what I am doing wrong. Thanks.
August 6, 2017
Paul WilsonLee,
You are not rolling soon enough. Probably trying to do it too hard. Slow down. Roll it from the top.
August 6, 2017
Paul WilsonLee,
If you cannot do it with driver try it with 7 iron.