Why You Lose Your Swing When You Take a Break

By | on July 22, 2014 | 4 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

4 Responses to “Why You Lose Your Swing When You Take a Break”

  1. Hi Paul. I sure recognized myself in today’s tip. In my youth, I was a 12 handicap and then basically gave up golf for about 20 plus years raising a family. Now I’m having very hard time breaking 90 and driving distance has dropped 50 yards. I attributed much of my “demise” to being older, but realize the swing technique is the problem.

    Best Regards, Ron

    • Ron,

      I hear this all the time this is why I did it. You are not alone. You can get it back. Believe!

  2. Paul ,very good reminder of what to do when you have given up golf since some Time .
    Happily ,I’m not in this case ( not Yet !).
    Could you give us a lecture on divot taking :depth of the divot ,when to take a divot ,Size ,shape and orientation of the divot ,taking a divot with FAIRWAY Woods ,etc..etc .
    I watched the BRITISH OPEN ,some top players took nô divot at all ,some took deep divots !.
    BOBBY CLAMPETT has MADE a business out of divot taking .(IMPACT GOLF )
    I must admit That sincè I endeavor to take a divot with the deepest depth at 4 inches in front of the ball ,target wise ,and thinking to move the hands 4 inches in front of the ball in the downswing ,I have greatly iimproved The quality of my ball striking ,the ” sound “of the shot is like a ! rifle shot

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