Swing Specific Training

By | on August 9, 2023 | 3 Comments | Array


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3 Responses to “Swing Specific Training”

  1. Quite an excellent exercise ,Jeremy,to develop hip strength ,better than the “wood cutter” exercise where you have to use your arms .
    I would suggest the exercise to be more effective if you place the anchor at hip or waist height .
    I have a contraption called the “POWER HIP TRAINER “which is based on the same principle,except the rubber bands are attached to a belt you wear around your waist,so you have no way to utilize your arms .
    Very effective indeed .
    There’s also PAUL’s “ULTIMATE SWING TRAINER ” (MIKE BAUMANN )which does about the same job .
    I do 100 turns a day ,full speed,with this device

  2. August 10, 2017


    Good Morning, Jeremy
    I don’t see the training grip as part of the kit? Is that included and not shown? Thanks

    • Yes. The training grip is included in the Golf Fitness Kit. That company has a few similar kits but the golf specific kit definitely has the grip included.

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