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Swing Comparison – Arm Position
Paul Wilson
on January 10, 2016
Tags: arms in downswingarms in the golf swinggolf arms
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
22 Responses to “Swing Comparison – Arm Position”
January 10, 2016
RaymondCHASTELVery interesting comparative video OF MASTER vs PUPIL ,which readily shows on what one should work.
But it doesn’t tell us ,though ,how you get there ,namely how you Master the ” LATE RELEASE “.
I’ve been working on the LAG/LATE RELEASE reçently ,with YOUR last video instructions ,And it seems I improve consistently .
What has MADE me progress the most is being aware And concentrating on the HIP Turn ,from the right foot up ( The right insole as you told me And not the right Heel).I say internally to me ” TURN THE HIPS “.
it works ..
I have a question regarding the movement on the hands ( I think we touched on the subject a long Time ago ).
This aspect is covered in BEN HOGAN’s ” MODERN FUNDAMENTALS OF GOLF ” pages 65 to 70 ,And also in an old manual OF 1946 by ERIC PRAIN ,called ” LIVE HANDS ” : PAUL RUNYAN ,in SHORT GAME SECRETS touched also on the subject .
It seems that what is important is coordinating the movement OF the hands And the movement OF the shoulders .
I myself do nothing consciously with m’y hands ,I let them play by themselves ,I’ve always been told that you should let go with the hands And not manipulate them at all .Maybe that’s why I’m So Consistent in m’y shots ,nearly always straight ,but to the expense OF distance .Those people I play with who use hand action seem to shoot all over the place ,Even if thy hit longer than I do .
What ‘ s YOUR opinion on this question .
January 11, 2016
Paul WilsonRaymond,
This is a comparison tip not a how to do it tip. I think it’s important for people to see what is happening then relate it to their own swing.
There are tons of tips on all parts of the swing on the site. Surely, people will look them up if they need to work on that specific area of the swing.
I want you to not hit or help the ball in any way with the hands. The club is mass. If you do not disturb the mass it will go its widest point 100% of the time. This means the release would occur on its own thus consistently squaring the face. You are not trying to hit and see how consistent you are. Most are trying to hit so they manipulate the face. Just a little holding on, rolling over, twitching or wiggling and you will hit it everywhere. This is why I teach powerless arms. The hard part is to get people to trust that a feeling of not hitting with generate even more power than hitting.
January 10, 2016
LenKoblenzHi Paul,
I think this tip is marvelous. I love seeing your swing, but seeing it side by side with a swing that needs some work can be very educational. Sometimes I think it will be beneficial to see some swing flaws that may apply to me – some that I will recognize that I “was sure” that I wasn’t doing. I am heading to my back yard.
January 12, 2016
Paul WilsonLen,
I thought it would be interesting to compare them. I will be doing a few more in the coming tips.
January 10, 2016
DanCharpentierLoved that,,, really teaches a lot about your method…
January 12, 2016
Paul WilsonDan,
Glad you liked it. His swing is not all the bad but when you compare it you can really see the differences.
January 10, 2016
IanCarolineHi Paul,
Showing the two side by side is a great idea. I look forward to many more.
In addition to bringing full clarity to the points you have made in the past it is teaching us how to analyse our own swings
Cheers Ian
January 12, 2016
Paul WilsonIan,
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
January 11, 2016
BriGood analysis and comparison. This has motivated to get out and take some slo-motion video of myself. As painful as it will be watching myself, I know I will learn a lot of what I need to work on. Thank you. Will be looking for more of this analysis and comparison, regarding the lower body movements. Wonderful we live in an age of easy slo-motion video taking.
January 12, 2016
Paul WilsonBri,
Glad you liked it. Thanks,
Everyone should be taking video of their swing. There is no excuse nowadays with phones and tablets as well as all of the apps out there.
Send me your swing and I will do tips comparing yours to mine for everyone.
January 11, 2016
MatthewHalpinThought this was great – was hoping you would comment on his legs. I see myself in the movement of the left leg. I am working diligently on the “straight back knee” trigger. Please do more of these, the side by side is really is insightful.
January 12, 2016
Paul WilsonMatt,
I will. This is the first tip. Talk about everything and no one will get anything.
Watch these:
Legs Touching: https://ignitiongolf.com/touch-knees
Exactly How To Do Touch The Legs Position: https://ignitiongolf.com/how-to-touch-the-legs-position/
It’s a Turn Not A Jump: https://ignitiongolf.com/turn-not-jump/
It’s Like A Throwing Motion: https://ignitiongolf.com/like-throwing-motion/
Secret of the Starting the Downswing (using triggers – off big toe curve): https://ignitiongolf.com/shift-roll/
Playing Catch Up: https://ignitiongolf.com/playing-catch-up/
Lean On Club to Touch Legs: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-lean-on-club
January 11, 2016
KenPerezPaul, one comment about the length of Jim’s swing at the top of back swing i.e., going past parallel. Specifically, is the length the reason he does not maintain his lag angle for he does so half way down i.e., doesn’t appear to be casting. In short, is it possible to maintain a good lag angle in the downswing despite the so called “overswing”? John Daley does this in spades…his club almost touches his left hip in the back swing! Yes, he is a pro, albeit way below his potential,and he probably did this move before he was 5 years old but the long length of back swing isn’t inherently wrong as opposed to the failure to rehinge ones wrists? In addition, everyone, including you, increase the length of the back swing as the clubs get longer, so increasing the length of the swing at the top is a natural attempt to increase distance. Furthermore, in past posts you have said, “The longer the swing arc, the greater the distance”…your thoughts?
January 12, 2016
Paul WilsonKen,
He’s not casting initially but he is as he keeps coming down. Kind of rare really. Can’t remember anyone ever doing this in the past.
You sure can keep the lag even with a longer swing. Mickelson is another good example. His driver is way long. Better players will keep the lag.
I think Daly did it as a kid too without every changing it so he got used to the long swing.
I let the coil determine my backswing length. Longer clubs create more momentum so they will go back longer on their own. I get lazy and sloppy if I’m not practicing so I have to keep checking it.
January 14, 2016
Thanks for such a wonderful video. Based on your “kind of rare really” comment here replying to Ken, I have the same sort of flaw where my lag angle looks O.K. initially, but I lose it as I am coming down. Can you repost a few links of some of your tips or drills to work on retaining that lag? Again, great video!
January 15, 2016
Paul WilsonMatt,
Glad you like them thanks.
You must be hitting. If you did nothing why would you lose the lag angle. The club is mass. You are moving the mass. Just do nothing. If so, it will trail behind the axis. This means you need to get the body moving. I guarantee your hips are not 45 degrees open as you hit the ball. You are most likely flat footed like Jim too.
DRILL: Increase lag: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-lag/
DRILL: Lag Ear to Ear: https://ignitiongolf.com/lag-release-drill/
DRILL: Old But Good Lag Drill: https://ignitiongolf.com/old-good-lag-drill/
DRILL: Work On Lag Anywhere: https://ignitiongolf.com/work-on-lag-anywhere/
DRILL: Hold Lag Turn Hips: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-hold-lag-turn-hips/
January 12, 2016
ThomasCrankHi Paul,
Been a member for about a month now and am working on all the positions. My game has made some good improvements, straighter shots, more consistent, confidence, etc. One thing that has not changed is my power. I’m still a lot shorter than the other good players I play with. For example, my 6 iron goes 145 yds, 5-hybrid 155 yds, etc.
Any thoughts on increasing power? Work on lag? Work on faster swing speed? I can still score with my current length but when my partners are hitting an 8 iron and I have to use a 6 iron, I feel like I am at a disadvantage. Still love the game, but an extra 10 yards per club would really ramp up the confidence! Thanks, really enjoy how you explain the swing in great detail.
All the best
January 13, 2016
Paul WilsonTom,
Glad you have you on board. Glad you are improving.
Did you not see the power leaks series? Also in the Dashboard I have a whole section on DISTANCE.
There are many ways to get more power. What you need to do right now is focus on loosening the wrists and driving your legs and hips way harder. When you do you will lose consistency for a while until you get used to it. Also, you cannot just increase the legs drive. You need to hook it first then drive the legs harder.
Golf Swing Timing For More Distance: https://ignitiongolf.com/timing-more-distance/
Here is the best drill you need to be doing right now and you have to do it tens of thousands of times (no joke).
DRILL: My Favorite Drill – Variation 2: https://ignitiongolf.com/favorite-drill-variation-2/
DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-listen-to-club/
DRILL: How To Really Increase Power: https://ignitiongolf.com/how-to-really-increase-power/
DRILL: Swing Up with Driver: https://ignitiongolf.com/drill-swing-up-driver/
This takes the ball out of the picture and gets you feeling your legs.
This is how I go power many years ago:
Power: How I Got Power In My Swing: https://ignitiongolf.com/power-dig-foot-in/
Stay focused on driving the legs and hips way harder. It is way more effort than you are currently putting into it. After every ball I hit it is crystal clear I used my legs and hips not my hands and arms. You can do it.
January 13, 2016
rodbeuthinHI Paul
Great video! I am over swinging just like your student in this video.
Pete has a video of my swing that I sent in about 2 weeks ago.
Could you have a look at it please and give me some drills that I can work on. I also have a very bad flying right elbow at the top of the back swing.
Rod Beuthin
January 13, 2016
Paul WilsonRod,
Glad you liked it. Thanks.
I just talked to Pete. Follow what he told you in the video lesson. He is going to send you some links to videos as well.
January 14, 2016
RobertGibsonI like all tips you send, but this one with Jim is TERRIFIC.
Your tip with Jim on head movement is also terrific.
This type of instruction really helps me, seeing as well as hearing.
January 15, 2016
Paul WilsonRobert,
Glad you like them. Thanks.