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Student Swing – Laid Off
Paul Wilson
on January 9, 2018
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
3 Responses to “Student Swing – Laid Off”
January 9, 2018
STUARTSALINSPaul–if your “pull” your lead arm toward your rear pocket or the feeling it is a little behind you, aren’t you taking the club too inside and not keeping it on plane? Also, I have always been taught to perhaps be a little more upright, so that you can more easily shallow the club in the transition/ beginning of downswing. Any comments? Thanks
January 11, 2018
LiamCreanFeeling a little across the line at the top (actually straight) because I was laid off — and didn’t know it — really helped me get in a better position to strike the ball from the inside. Great tip thanks.
January 11, 2018
Paul WilsonLiam,
Very good. A lot of people are laid off at the top but don’t know how to fix it. Like you experienced, as soon as you get it down the line the shots are so much better. Just keep this thought for a while if not forever. I find myself slipping back regularly so I am constantly thinking about. Ideally, you would like it to take hold so you never have to think about it but this isn’t always the case for everyone. Glad you are on track.