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Student Swing – Straightening Back Knee
Paul Wilson
on January 30, 2018
Tags: back legright legTop of Backswing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
14 Responses to “Student Swing – Straightening Back Knee”
January 30, 2018
BenjaminBerryThis is an all time great tip Paul. So much easier to fire the lower body. NOW I can use your downswing trigger instead of straightening the left leg. Outstanding.
January 31, 2018
Paul WilsonBen,
Very good. I love it when it clicks for people. Now keep feeling it.
January 30, 2018
JonathanComptonI felt the restriction of my body turn today at the range and thought it was because my stance was too wide. But a number of times I was noticing the knee pulling to the right. Now that I know what to work on that should help tremendously. Thanks.
January 31, 2018
Paul WilsonJohnathan,
Very good. This is very important.
January 31, 2018
LiamCreanGreat tip thanks.
Shot some great golf this past week (using the body swing) but struggling for speed, I do think my impact position resembles this guy more than the ideal. Will try it tomorrow 🙂
January 31, 2018
Paul WilsonLiam,
Very good. You are starting to see it. Don’t worry about the speed. Work on the positions and building a great swing. Once you get the great swing speed it up. To do that you need to follow the How To Gain Distance section of The Body Swing or watch this tip:
DRILL: Golf Swing Timing For More Distance:
January 31, 2018
RoyThanks for the great tip. Guilty of this problem and the tip was very helpful. I don’t feel the spring effect of my coil even when working on the flexed knee. I feel like my back swing and down swing are two separate motions. How do I feel like I am using the energy of the coil in my downswing and not 2 disconnected moves?
January 31, 2018
Paul WilsonRoy,
You would be thinking shoulders going back. Once tight you would be immediately uncoiling. Sounds like you are taking way too much time to get to the top. That’s fine if you are working on the top position but once you feel you are in position you would be coiling smoothly to the top.
If you have not had the flex in the back knee then you would not feel the tight coil. First things first, work on the knee flex. This is tricky and takes work. Then focus on coiling with the knee flexed. Also, check the angle of rotation in the shoulders. If you are too tilted you will not feel the torque either. This would require my taller set up too:
A New Way To Get The Taller Setup:
More Level Shoulder Rotation:
Rotational Angle:
Turn Back on the Right Angle:
February 3, 2018
RaymondBuiskerPaul, I have been following your videos for some time and I think I am making good improvements in my game. However, here is my dilemma. I play golf left handed and at one time was a 9 handicap. So I know how it is to play reasonable golf.
About 7 years ago I had to have my left knee replaced and the operation was very successful! No more pain when I walk or play golf. Now for the dilemma. I take my stance, complete the backswing by moving my hips and keep my knees in place and my shoulders and my arm/hands are in the correct position. With my replacement knee, however, I cannot push off with my left leg. I can however, rotate my right hip back and clockwise and begin the down swing. So far so good; but now I cannot move my left leg and touch my right knee. It just won’t go there! What I find better is to use the Gary Player concept of taking a step foreword to complete the swing. The only problem I have with this concept is I can’t get the distance I used to get with a good knee movement.
what do you suggest I do? RAB
February 4, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I have never had an issue with someone with artificial knees doing the positions so I am wondering if you are doing something wrong. I get the feeling you are doing the turn but not the shift. If you turn without shifting at all your back knee would not be coming around to touch.
What about imagining a person is down the line and you are going to show them every spike on the bottom of your shoe?
Also, you need to watch this tip:
Secret of the Starting the Downswing (using triggers – off big toe curve):
Did you throw some balls overhand. Watch:
It’s Like A Throwing Motion:
I would do this too:
Lean On Club to Touch Legs:
February 3, 2018
MichaelFieldI’m looking for a teaching pro in the Chicagoland area that shares your body swing philosophy, so that I can continue to work on your methods, but have the advantage of someone to guide me. Can you recommend any?
February 4, 2018
Paul WilsonMicheal,
We only teach in Vegas. We do offer swing analysis and Skype lessons for those who cannot make it here. These work great as we can let you know exactly what you need to be working on.
Just email us if you would like more info.
February 4, 2018
RaymondCHASTELQuite a useful lesson ,Paul ,this is quite a common fault .Some teachers even tell you to straighten your right knee in order to turn back more ,with the result of not creating any torque at all.There’s a perfect training aid called the ” LOAD n FIRE ,
which you strap to your right knee ,and it keeps you from bending it when turning back.
Now ,where do you put your weight on the right foot ?Is it distributed evenly along the entire right foot or more towards the heel?
One instructor (MARTIN HALL )says you should be able to lift the toes of the right foot when you are in the loaded position back.
I feel this to be excessive ,as the weight is more on the right instep ,not on the the heel !
February 4, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Yes, I know there are teachers saying this. No wonder so many people struggle with this game. Hey, I have a great idea. Why not getting everyone doing a reverse pivot. NOT. Clueless.
Yes, I think that is excessive too but he is really just trying to get you the feeling of loading back there. I have always said load 80% of the weight to the back instep/heel.