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Student Swing – Lifting Forward Heel
Paul Wilson
on January 4, 2018
Tags: Backswingcoilforward heel
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “Student Swing – Lifting Forward Heel”
January 4, 2018
PETERMCMULLENLast week you reviewed the top of my back swing. One comment was my left knee needs to be pointing back at the ball. Well I corrected that by lifting my heel. Now that seems to be wrong. But I guess we will take care of that and rest of my swing flaws next week during my lessons with you. Looking forward to our two sessions.
January 5, 2018
Paul WilsonPeter,
Yes, the knee swivels behind the ball. As I said in the tip, the heel can come up about an inch or so but not much more that that or you will lose toque.
January 4, 2018
RonCalabreseYears ago at some lessons at Grand Cypress in Florida, the instructor indicated my address position was like my hitting the ball postion. Unfortunately, he didn’t explain that lifting my heel was causing this problem and I was not properly rotating my hips. So much of teaching effectively is explaining CLEARLY why something is happening. You do a remarkably good job of explaining what causes bad results. I’m recovering from back surgery and looking forward to using your no arms technique this coming spring and summer. The only advantage of serious back surgery is there will be no temptation to over do it in the future!
Thanks, Paul
Ron Calabrese
January 5, 2018
Paul WilsonRon,
Thanks so much. I just like people to understand and get it. If you don’t get it why would you do it.
Thought I hadn’t heard from you in a while. Right, you need to start off slow. I would be doing the practice swings around the house very slowly. Then for more power fire the lower harder but do this over time.
January 5, 2018
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,I agree with you as to not lift the left heel as I came to use the same technique that you promote .But initially I was taught I should lift my left heel :this was taught by HARVEY PENICK ,the famous teacher and author of the little RED BOOK and other well known golf instruction books :HARVEY PENICK even said that you should initate the downswing in planting energetically the left heel down (JACK NICKLAUS said about the same thing ).If you look at photos of HARRY VARDON and JH TAYLOR in their time ,they lifted the left heel ,yet they delivered a lot of distance ,without that much torque .I believe BOBBY JONES also lifted his left heel.To not lift the left heel requires quite some flexibity and sound knees .I have prosthetic knees in both legs ,but I manage not to lift the left heel .I even used the STACK and TILT method at one time,but quitted it ,it didn’t provide any benefts to me .
January 5, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
Oh yeah, they definitely taught this many years ago but this was before we really understood the golf swing. Plus, as you said, these guys immediately re-planted the heel and fired the lower body. The average player gets it planted as they are about to hit the ball so they are just facing the ball at impact whereas these pros were fully rotated. Like I said in the tip, I don’t mind it coming up if it gets you to coil more from a restricted coil. I just don’t want it coming up if you don’t have to or you are already coiling. I like the tight coil. It give your torque which repeats. No torque and you will hit. I think you get it.
January 9, 2018
didierFederleHi Paul
I’ve understood your point regarding poor shots when we are lifting the forward heel during the backswing and I can confirm that I hit really bad shots
but could you confirm that during the takeaway, there is no hips rotation but only shoulders rotation at the beginning of the swing ? beside I have noticed that to get a better stability during the downswing, I have to keep my knees inward to keep the weight inside of my feet
but to what level do we need to keep the knees inward as sometimes I got issues in having a proper rotation
if you have some videos to share, I will take it
lastly I love your new camera , can you make some videos with slow motion ?
January 9, 2018
Paul WilsonDidier,
There would be minimal hip rotation if any as you do the takeaway. The shoulders pull the hips so in the early stages of the backswing they have not moved enough to start moving the lower body.
The feeling of the knees is that you are gently gripping a range bucket between your knees. This is simple image and easy feeling to get.
Glad you like the camera. Just these few tips that are shaky because my camera buy didn’t know not to move the camera too much. Future ones will be really good.