Student Driver Lesson – More Distance

By | on February 18, 2018 | 18 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

18 Responses to “Student Driver Lesson – More Distance”

  1. February 18, 2018


    Hi Paul. That was very informative particularly because we got to look at so many swings by the same student. He certainly picked up the follow through position very quickly and had good balance at the end of his swing. Am I correct in thinking he was a little late in triggering the lower body rotation which reduced his potential swing speed. His arms seemed a little ahead of his lower body rotation, and if he corrects that, he’ll be booming some drives.

    Thanks, Ron

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      February 19, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      You could see he was still tight into the follow through. A couple he loosened but he just wouldn’t let go completely. He know what to work on. He was hitting it no where when I first saw him so I think he did well.

      Yes, even though I said it over and over he was still slow. I think he was so concerned about loosening that they legs go left behind. The legs are the power source.

  2. February 18, 2018


    Paul, Great actual lesson with results. As a new member of your school I do want to know how to improve ball striking along with improved distance. I haven’t watched all of the videos, so I look forward to some guidance on that front as well.

  3. February 19, 2018

    Greg vonSeeger

    Good video Paul. It was helpful to see a student who was not a ‘beginner’ but had some golf fundamentals even though wrong. But then to see the transformation from his ‘old’ style to his new style with the areas you addressed were very revealing. Its one thing to watch your instruction videos, but to see you apply them to a student is extremely ‘eye opening’. Well done!

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      February 19, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Thanks. Glad you liked it.

      I will try to do more. It is just getting the person to agree to being filmed. I will mic up next time so you can hear it all. I wasn’t planning on releasing this tip this way but as I was editing it I thought IG members would like it.

  4. February 19, 2018


    Paul. Was just about to suggest you do some ‘before and after ‘ on these student videos. This one is great bringing together some of the pieces. Also, pls. explain ‘smash factor ‘ and is this lesson on You Tube as I would like to share it with a couple folks? Best. Pat

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      February 19, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Smash factor is the clubhead speed divided by ball speed. It indicates how well you are contacting the ball. Ideally, you want 1.5 but a rocket scientist follower of my tips did an article saying 1.49 is the best you can ever get.

      Not on YouTube. I might post it there. Not sure yet. If so, I will let you know. I would like to do a better one so the idiots out there who like to bash me are less in the bashing mood.

  5. February 19, 2018


    Pure gold Paul. I would like to see one of these a week. Great new idea. Thanks.

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      February 19, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Thanks. Glad you liked it. I will shoot some more. It is just getting the person to agree to want to be filmed, wind, bringing the camera etc.

  6. February 19, 2018


    An excellent way to “showcase” your swing technique and have your viewers watch the learning process at the same time…Thx and well done Paul!!!!

  7. February 21, 2018


    excellent -5 stars- lesson for all of us.
    would suggest microphone better positioned to better hear Paul’s comments when he was demonstrating feet position-stances-for different clubs,etc. for future student lesson videos.

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      February 21, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked it. Wee didn’t know we were shooting. It was shot on the phone. I will try to do more in the future.

  8. February 25, 2018


    As others have noted, this was excellent. Like some others, I am new to Ignition golf. Have been doing swing practices in garage (cold weather) for a couple of months now. What I liked was steps you focused on as you progressed with Richard. Couple of things came out that I need to focus more on. One new swing thought I am having is to start down swing with straightening the left leg as a trigger for lower body rotation? Can you please comment?
    Thank you and I thank Richard for allowing us into his lesson.

  9. February 25, 2018


    Forget my previous question. I just watched Already Ready to Fire Lower Body. Exactly what I was asking about.
    thank you.

  10. January 3, 2019


    This is actually a comment for the members rather than you.
    While watching this video I was actually wincing “oh no” saying “Paul Look up! He’s getting weaker with his hip rotation and overworking his arms more!”
    Although there were some good things for beginners to pick up. Just know that if Richard got on this site and worked on the Body Swing, he has the flexibility to carry 280 plus yards!


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