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Student Swing – Backswing Too Flat
Paul Wilson
on December 31, 2017
Tags: BackswingFlat BackswingTop of Backswing
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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
15 Responses to “Student Swing – Backswing Too Flat”
December 31, 2017
DanielAmishSeems like you’ve been watching my swing. Two of my flaws (student swing – arm bent) and this one, back to back. Lack of distance, yep. Some pushes, yep. Really great stuff. Lots to work on with all the snow here in Erie, PA. Thanks! Sure getting my money’s worth.
January 1, 2018
Paul WilsonDaniel,
I am watching. I am always watching. If not in reality in spirit.
Glad you learned something from this tip. Keep checking your set up now and never forget.
Glad you are enjoying the site. I appreciate it.
December 31, 2017
MikeVillarrubiaI’m too flat. I noticed it when I filmed my swing and compared it to your positions. I’m working on correcting it. Thanks
January 1, 2018
Paul WilsonMike,
I guess these are good tips. People are really learning from them. Need to do even more in the future.
January 1, 2018
RaymondCHASTELIn my opinon there are two main causes to the flat backswing :right shoulder too stiff and not enough shoulder turn .
I too fight this bad tendency every day .
Apart fom looking at yourself in a window pane or in a mirror ,you can also train with the sun in your back and look while you swing at your shade in front of you :you see then clearly if you raise enough your arms and if the club shaft is above your head .As for the mental thought I use when I train to lift my arms ,I say to myself “JIM FURYK “,as this great unorthodox golfer has a very upright backswing .
HIDEKI MATSUTAMA is also another good example to follow,with his textbook backswing .Farther back you can refer to JACK NICKLAUS and his very upright backswing .
Physically you have to gain flexibility in your shouders by doing shoulder stretches (Refer back to JEREMY KLINKHAMER and his stretching exercses ) .
To get a straighter left arm in the backswing ,you have to strengthen the left triceps ,you can acheive that with the MIKE BENDER rubber bands(“THE ULTIMATE SWING TRAINER ” )which you recommend on your site.There are also training aids which you strap on your left elbow to keep the left arm straight (Though I don’t like much this training aid it does help !)
January 1, 2018
Paul WilsonRaymond,
There are lots of reasons. A lot of people have been instructed to do this flat backswing (I was one then I woke up).
I definitely like it more upright.
January 1, 2018
RaymondCHASTELIn my opinion there are two main causes to the flat backswing :right shoulder too stiff and not enough shoulder turn .
I too fight this bad tendency every day .
Apart fom looking at yourself in a window pane or in a mirror ,you can also train with the sun in your back and look while you swing at your shade in front of you :you see then clearly if you raise enough your arms and if the club shaft is above your head .As for the mental thought I use when I train to lift my arms ,I say to myself “JIM FURYK “,as this great unorthodox golfer has a very upright backswing .
HIDEKI MATSUTAMA is also another good example to follow,with his textbook backswing .Farther back you can refer to JACK NICKLAUS and his very upright backswing .
Physically you have to gain flexibility in your shouders by doing shoulder stretches (Refer back to JEREMY KLINKHAMER and his stretching exercses ) .
To get a straighter left arm in the backswing ,you have to strengthen the left triceps ,you can acheive that with the MIKE BENDER rubber bands(“THE ULTIMATE SWING TRAINER ” )which you recommend on your site.There are also training aids which you strap on your left elbow to keep the left arm straight (Though I don’t like much this training aid it does help !)
January 1, 2018
Now I understand why I don’t get power to my swing, my swing is too flat and because of that circle of my swing is not very big not even close of that.
Thank you for great tip
January 1, 2018
Paul WilsonMauri,
Glad you saw it. Now the works begins. It will feel different at first but in no time you will get used to it.
January 1, 2018
daviddonaldsonHappy New Year from wintry Scotland. I don’t think that I do have a flat backswing but a very useful tip nevertheless just to check the top of the backswing position
Just to be contrary,what about Rickie Fowler, Matt Kuchar or even Hogan at the top? Seem to be pretty flat. The exception proves the rule I suppose.
Keep those great tips coming and a successful 2018 to you!!
January 1, 2018
Paul WilsonDavid,
There are definitely some pros that are flat.
Fowler – Used to be even flatter. He is more up but needs to be even more to stop the looseness and laid off position at the top.
Kutcher – Super tall guy. Even flat for him is the same as upright on shorter guys so it works.
Hogan – flat backswing but he did not have a tilted shoulder turn. See Golf My Way by Nicklaus. It shows a silhouette of him and Nicklaus. Only difference is arm position and his way even with the shoulder plane not below it.
Long Drivers – Zero long drivers have a flat backswing. That should tell you something.
January 2, 2018
RonaldAregladoThanks for another great tip, Paul! How will this approach likely affect my down swing, direction and distance? Many thanks and Happy New Year!
Ron Areglado
January 2, 2018
Paul WilsonRonald,
If you are trying to get it more upright the club would attack less from the inside so the ball starting more at the target would be seen. Also, you may hit some pulls or pull hooks because you would be thinking about the new position at the top (arms).
You should start compressing the ball better as you get it because the club is more descending. Keep in mind this is a big change so it will take a little time but it will pay off in the future with longer straighter shots.
May 9, 2018
One of my playing companions used to laud my swing as being “compact.” Upon seeing videos of my swing, I was very much taken aback how short it was despite achieving a 90-degree shoulder turn as a 64 year-old. After seeing this video, I realize the cause is my backswing is much too flat. I am anxious to work on it along with powerless arms and the touch-the-legs and finish position.
Great, great site and teaching method. Ignition Golf is the world’s best golf bargain. I continually learn new things everyday yet is all integrated into your beautifully simplistic approach to the swing.
I have many bad habits from learning the game in the late 60s and early 70s following the bad teaching from that era (sliding hips which lock up and stop my rotation, and the flat backswing). Thanks for making me optimistic again!
Mike Barrett
May 9, 2018
Paul WilsonMike,
Thanks. I truly appreciate it. I just want people to understand “why.” If you don’t know why you will not see the whole picture. If you don’t see it why are you going to do it. That flat swing is an issue. Got to flatten out the rotational plane of the shoulders first then literally lift the arms up dropping a grapefuit from the back armpit. Do my set up first though. You need to feel tall.
Back Elbow Position At The Top (grapefruit): https://ignitiongolf.com/back-elbow-position-top/
Turn Back on the Right Angle: https://ignitiongolf.com/backswing-helicopter-blades/
Rotational Angle: https://ignitiongolf.com/backswing-rotational-angle/