Strengthening the Powerhouse of Your Golf Swing

By | on September 27, 2023 | 5 Comments | Array


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5 Responses to “Strengthening the Powerhouse of Your Golf Swing”

  1. December 20, 2012


    Hi! Doing all your exercises now during the winter. It

    • December 22, 2012

      Paul Wilson


      Yes, this is the perfect time for you to be doing practice swings working on swing positions. Then you will start out next year with a great swing.

    • Hi Lotta,
      Keep up the good work… hope to hear great things from you in 2013!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. Avatar photo

    March 7, 2014


    Now I understand to use my glutes when I fire my hips as Paul wants us to do to start the down swing. So simple once you see how to involve the butt in the process! If only I had found you guys; Paul, Jeremy and Dave, thirty years ago it wouldn’t feel like I’m starting over…mind, body and technique. Appreciate it gentlemen!

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