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How To Stop Scooping Your Chip Shots
Paul Wilson
on May 1, 2018
Tags: chip shots avoid scoopingChippinghow to stop scooping chip shots golf
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
25 Responses to “How To Stop Scooping Your Chip Shots”
June 15, 2012
MartinRyanNothing to do with chipping, but have you a tip on keep looking at the ball, I know you talk about letting your shoulder bringing your head up but I am going along steadily and then suddenly I decide to do some plane spotting and neadless to say I have a big slice, a couple of times in a round ruins what could of been a good one?
June 16, 2012
Paul WilsonIf you are looking every now and again you have to think about when you are doing this. I guarantee you are either under pressure or you are trying to go all out. So the first thing is is slow it down a little. When you go to play think that you are going to hit every shot at 50%. This will keep you loose and relaxed. This will also allow you to hit the ball even better than you have been. Once you get used to this slower speed you speed up only your leg and hip rotation to hit the ball farther. The slice is the tell-tale sign you are hitting to hard. The harder you hit the tighter you get, the more the wrists tighten which holds the face open. If you did nothing to the mass the face would square every time. So lightly up will do wonders.
Instead of working on the shoulder nudging the chin work on the follow through. Here is the position:
Spine Angle Follow Through: https://ignitiongolf.com/follow-through-eyes-tilted
Work on this at home in practice swings in front of a mirror to get used to it. Then do it at the range. This will keep the spine angle after you hit your shots and stop the topping (if the arms are relaxed).
July 19, 2012
Paul WilsonRyan, You are coming out of it because you are anxious to the see the result. This will happen if you are trying to add a little extra power. The harder you hit the more you will look to see what you hit. The slice is the tell-tale sign. Harder you hit the tighter your wrists, the more open the clubface. So make sure you are never swinging over 80% and keep the arms turned off.
Spine Angle Follow Through: https://ignitiongolf.com/follow-through-eyes-tilted
Topping: https://ignitiongolf.com/stop-topping-golf-ball
If you are slicing you need to be working this:
Manually Square the Clubface: https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-clubface
Manually Square the Clubface (Follow Up): https://ignitiongolf.com/impact-squaring-face-follow-up
February 26, 2015
RYDGJRWhen I first joined I started with chipping because I was so bad and inconsistent at it. I would putt from well off the green just to avoid trying to chip. At first I found your chipping method to feel really strange, but stuck with it as I knew my method was just wrong. Took me many repetitions, but it eventually felt comfortable. I do it many times a day now (retired) on my carpet with a sand wedge and chip into the nearby dog’s bed. Once in a while the chip carries to far and smacks into the wall, but that’s a good reminder to cut the back swing back a bit. I’ve been able to take it to the course a few times (weather permitting) and the results have been encouraging. I still mess it up some, but now, I am no longer afraid of this shot. I don’t even mind missing the greens a bit now as the chipping has become something fun to do. Nice to gain a shot sometimes now instead of turning a potentially good hole into a disaster. I have found your distance ratios to work well also. Just need to factor in if there is some up or down hill on the green.
February 26, 2015
Paul WilsonGary,
Chipping is a huge part of the game as it take pressure off your long game. Glad you worked on it.
September 21, 2015
Mary-JaneUrsuHi Paul, just joined and hope to learn a lot from you. I have only been playing nearly 2 years and a senior aged lady. I have been told I need to hinge my wrists. Can you please explain what this means exactly and do you have any videos I can watch.
Many thanks Paul.
September 21, 2015
Paul WilsonMary-Jane,
Thank you for joining.
At 2 years in you will have a lot of learning ahead of you.
Please start with the 8 lessons I teach everyone in the DASHBAORD under FULL SWING. It is the very first slide. Hopefully you are using the the dashboard to save the tips into your own ToDo list.
Hinging the wrists is in the backswing. See your wrists as a hinge not wrists. A hinge hinges and re-hinges. A hinge is loose. So you have a secure grip but loose wrists. This hinging and re-hinging action is what creates the whipping action of the club so it is vital in generating power and squaring the clubface.
Your Wrists Are Not Wrists: https://ignitiongolf.com/your-wrists-are-not-wrists/
Secure Top of Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/secure-top-backswing/
3 Ways to Set The Top of the Backswing: https://ignitiongolf.com/backswing-top-3-ways
Why Hinge The Wrists At The Top?: https://ignitiongolf.com/why-hinge-at-top/
Left Arm at Top: https://ignitiongolf.com/left-arm-backswing
Extended But Not Locked: https://ignitiongolf.com/extended-but-not-locked/
May 3, 2016
William EScheidHow do I access the Spine Angle Follow Through video.
May 3, 2016
Paul WilsonWilliam,
Here you go:
Spine Angle Follow Through: https://ignitiongolf.com/follow-through-eyes-tilted/
In the future just type what you are looking for in the search box in the red navigation bar on the original or in the dashboard. All tips on that topic will come up.
May 3, 2016
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,If you assimilate your short shots-pitches and chips -to an abbreviated golf swing,you are not going to “scoop “the ball :it’s just a short backswing ,slight hinge ,pivot forwards ,hold towards target.
Thinking of pulling the butt end of the club towards the target ,sums it up of course
May 3, 2016
Paul WilsonRaymond,
You would be amazed at how many people scoop.
May 3, 2016
kennethkucinskasYou chipping tip helped me tremendously. Where I run into trouble is when there is deep grass around the green, deep enough where it is difficult to spot the ball. Under these conditions I can’t seem to make good contact with the ball. Any suggestions…Thanks for all your help
May 3, 2016
Paul WilsonKen,
Very good. Great chipping can save tons of shots plus it takes pressure off of the long game.
I did this tip a while back but the audio is not great so I won’t re-post it. Ball back with hands ahead pops it out:
One Way To Hit From Long Rough – Pop Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-pop-shot/
June 20, 2016
How do you have your right hand positioned on the club when are chipping? I saw that you rotated the left more so that more knuckles are showing, but couldn’t tell about tell about the right hand.
June 21, 2016
Paul WilsonEric,
I am gripping on the side of the club. To find the exact positioning set up with the clubhead turned to 10 o’clock. Place you normal neutral grip on the club. Then square the face. Once you do, your hands will be in perfect position. This is in my Swing Machine Golf short game series.
August 6, 2016
RyanLybeckPaul your tips have dropped my handicap significant;y so thank you. I love your chipping videos but haven’t seen yet how to change the distance if I am further away from the green. I know I can roll the ball farther by using different clubs but how do I fly the ball far enough to land a yard on the green if I am farther away than you are in your instructional videos?
Thank you,
August 7, 2016
Paul WilsonRyan,
Glad you like the tips. Glad you are improving. I love hearing it. For pitching watch the tip below:
When To Pitch: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-pitching/
Short Game – Medium Pitch Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/medium-pitch/
Short Game – Short Pitch Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/short-pitch/
How to Hit a Short Pitch Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/short-pitch-shot/
April 16, 2017
PaulBerghoutPaul– I discovered that I have to have the face come in underneath and descending so the ball can ride up the face. Otherwise, a desending blow just rockets the ball along the ground and over the green. Paul
April 18, 2017
Paul WilsonPaul,
If your hands are ahead and you do the 3-4 knuckle grip you never hit up at it. Just have to get used to the technique.
May 4, 2018
MarkShomHi Paul, it’s amazing how you answer all of your emails and with all heart felt answers. I have been using the Phil Mickelson hinge and hold method. Can you give me your opinion on this method? I am also working on your method shown here, it makes a lot of sense. Thank you. Mark
May 6, 2018
Paul WilsonMark,
Sorry, not sure I know his method more that what people have told me. Just stick with my chipping and pitching. It gets great results in minutes. Then a couple of weeks to master and you will have it for life. I have taught people in the past following his short game and Pelz. After they do mine they continue to do mine. It’s simple and very effective. I don’t want people to have to work too hard to be great at it.
May 8, 2018
rodbeuthinTried this drill today works like a charm. Thanks Paul
May 8, 2018
Paul WilsonRod,
Very good. This is an important part of the game.
August 9, 2018
RobinEkwallI play on a course with rough around the green. 2 -3 yards off with rough. Pin could be 1 yard or 15 yards beyond the rough. How do I play this?
August 10, 2018
Paul WilsonRobin,
Learn this shot (I think the audio is bad but you will get the picture):
One Way To Hit From Long Rough – Pop Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-pop-shot/