Stop Your Head Coming Up in the Backswing

By | on May 12, 2013 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Stop Your Head Coming Up in the Backswing”

  1. May 13, 2013



    This tip is perfect for me because I do both; lift my head as well as straighten my back leg. It will definitely help to have a swing thought that I can actually feel.
    I have a question about how you would recommend making the transition from practicing hitting a 7 iron 50-60 yards with a full swing (which I can do now consistently) to extending the speed to produce a reasonable distance? I know you advise to speed up the hip turn but how would you recommend doing that without bringing the arms into play again? (ie. doing 3 slow swings and then the next with a faster hip turn and ten go back to the very slowest of swings?)

    • Jim,

      If the rotational speed of your body is only 2.5 mph it means hitting it 50 yards you are not even turning 1 mph. So to get more power without turning on the arms focus only on turning the center core 1.5 mph. This would be unnoticeable if someone were to watch you do it yet the ball may go to 100 yards. Stick to this speed for a while. Once you get good at this go to 2 mph then try for 2.5mph in the future. So it’s a gradual progression. If you try for too much too fast you will be using your arms. One step at a time. Glad you got the full swing slow. That’s a great start.

  2. I think that the idea of sitting after taking the club back will cause the golfer to be lower at impact than at adress unless the golfer lifted up a lot and sometimes he may not lift up at all, and then he is really a lot lower and will hit the ground for sure.
    And how much do you sit? A lot or a little? Thanks, I would like to understand, Michelle

    • Michelle,

      I said to sit down 1 inch. If you come up 1″ and you sit 1″ you are level. You are not sitting. You are feeling like you are sitting.

  3. “Sitting on the bar stool “as you recommend enables also to use a spring up effect and forward thrust into the ball ,therefore increasing clubhead speed .
    Now I have a problem with one of your basics instructions :I have a full prothesis in each knee ,leaving very little lat

    • Raymond,

      I have taught a ton of people with fake knees without a problem getting them to touch. If you can’t do it turn your hip the best you can. Narrow your stance and try it. I want them to touch so you can do the exact same move every day for every shot forever. If you are a few inches apart how are you going to do the exact same move every time? So narrow your stance. Throw some balls with your right hand overhand. If you do they should touch. If not see how far around you get. Remember it and try to go this far around every time.

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