Stabilizing Your Lower While Coiling

By | on August 4, 2019 | 7 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

7 Responses to “Stabilizing Your Lower While Coiling”

  1. Dear Paul
    Your effortless swing is the best Swing ever.
    Thank you! It Really works!
    My biggest Problem is my mind and my arrogance to think once I Hit a good shot I can Hit the next One a little harder and gain More distance. Obviously That does not work. Here is what I found out today: if before every shot I Tell myself to hit it 50% I can Play a successful effortless and painfree round with Perfect feedback touching my knees and my Head. But it is soo hard to do it for 18 Holes especially when the first holes are going well and I am getting arrogant or overconfident. Is there a psychological Trick so I can keep My Tempo at 50% for a Wohle round?
    Thanks and best greetings from Germany

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      August 7, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      This is the constant battle I have with people. The power source is the legs NOT the arms. So tell that to yourself. Really focus on them and apply your downswing trigger on every shot. Sure, you may use legs and arms sometimes but you are not solely using your arms. This firing the lower body is and should be unmistakable.

      It’s An Unmistakable Feeling In Your Legs:

  2. August 4, 2019


    My best swing thought on this critical lesson is to feel like I’m keeping my belt line level to the ground on the takeaway /backswing and get my left shoulder (righty) passed the ball and from there I feel tight and coiled keeping no feeling or tension in my arms

  3. August 5, 2019


    This tip was helpful and so timely. I was filming myself yesterday in the yard and my lower body was turning so much in my backswing. I was so focused on coiling the upper body and hitting the follow-through positions that the lower body was going along for the ride. I think I’m well short of 90 degrees in the backswing now when I keep the lower body stable as you suggest. I’m hoping that won’t matter too much as long as it now means that I’m getting the fundamentals correct.

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      August 7, 2019

      Paul Wilson


      Glad you liked this one.

      If you are moving too much you work on stabilizing. At first, this may reduce your coil a little. Into the future once you get the lower stable you let your coil pull the lower into position. Now when you do it though you won’t be pulled out of position losing the lower body stability.

      Remember, it’s a spring. You coil the top. The top moves the hips and knees into position.

  4. Hello Paul. As you may recall from my lesson last January, I am right handed. I have started to lift my left foot up at the top of the back swing. I have trouble feeling that I am doing it and I know it is wrong. When I do it, I often hit the ball severely to the right. What causes this me to lift my left foot up on my toe? Also, should I try to keep my left foot totally on the ground during the backswing or try to roll the left foot towards the ball to help me turn? Thanks.

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