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Speed Up Gradually
Paul Wilson
on November 4, 2012
Tags: Downswingleg driver golf swingLegs In Golf Swing
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
6 Responses to “Speed Up Gradually”
November 5, 2012
JasonTomlinsonHi paul…. I have just played 18 holes. Before the game on the range, I was hitting 90% of my shots perfect. I then went on the course and played a really bad round. I was pulling the ball left and hitting a lot of fat shots.
I am really struggling to transfer (consistently) what your video’s have taught me from the range to the course. I can feel that sometimes my swing changes on the course (i think i use my arms more) however I am struggling to revert back to my driving range swing.
got any tips?
November 6, 2012
Paul WilsonJason, Hitting well on the range increases your expectation levels. If you do not initially perform on the course you start to search for the answer. This puts pressure on your swing and clouds your mind. This is in my book and videos. When you practice you need to warm up. You are not trying to hit great shots on the range you are trying to loosen up. Don’t pick a target. Don’t focus on your ball. Just warm up. Now when you go to the course you have no expectations.
Warm Up Before Round: https://ignitiongolf.com/practice-before-round
How To Take Your Swing From The Range To The Course https://ignitiongolf.com/swing-range/
Also, make sure when you play you are thinking about swinging at about 50% for right now. This will also stop you from hitting too hard. Just hit fairways and greens. You can go for distance later.
Finally, keep practicing your swing positions until you have done them so many time you don’t know any other way to do them. It is about repetition and the movement. Perfect movement will hit perfect shots.
November 6, 2012
JasonTomlinsonThanks Paul. Will give this a go.
October 10, 2014
I am using my lower body to start the downswing and hitting some good shots, but some of my shots are weak and slightly right.
Am I not using my lower body powerfully enough or am I getting ahead of the ball?
October 10, 2014
Paul WilsonPaul,
If you are hitting it high right you are coming out of it. This holds the face open through impact. ANY TIME you see it go right you need to immediately do the roll over drill and get the wrists unlocked. Either roll it in practice swings or roll it and hit hooks. Once it is going left YOU are squaring/closed the face. Then you switch to using the lower body to straighten it out. Don’t go crazy and drive as hard as you can. Do it a level you can do it. Get used to it. Then speed it up.
Right = Tight
What is too tight? Your wrists! This is holding the face open. So close it. Then you will hit it with the right loft instead of adding loft leaving it open.
Do the roll over drill here:
DRILL: Smooth Wrist Release: https://ignitiongolf.com/smooth-wrist-release/
How Much To Use Your Legs: https://ignitiongolf.com/downswing-how-much-legs/
October 11, 2014
paulelliottthanks a lot Paul I will work on roll over drill