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Slower Backswing for Powerless Arms
Paul Wilson
on July 28, 2015
Tags: Effortless Golf Swingpowerless armsslow backswing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
10 Responses to “Slower Backswing for Powerless Arms”
July 29, 2015
johnhoyleGreetings Coach I know you have covered this before but i dont remember when . sometimes the ball drifts left, does that mean i hing to early or to late? THANKS COACH
July 30, 2015
Paul WilsonJohn,
You can find the cures in the Dashboard under Cures.
Here you go:
Pull 2 (expanding on it):
Stop Coming Over the Top:
Remembering How Cure Pulled Shots:
Body Tilt – Left Right:
Cures – Manually Tilt To Stop Pulling:
July 29, 2015
SwingMeyerI spent three hours with David Lee of Gravity Golf. Great lesson. He preaches pretty much what you preach. But, darn, after 35 years of hitting it with my arms, the changeover is not easy. But I know it is the way to go. Yes, I have hit those shots with the core as the power source and I know it is the way to go. Thanks for your effots.
July 30, 2015
Paul WilsonSwing,
I bumped into this son at the course one day. He said I am the only teacher on the same page as Gravity Golf. I like what they do. They are trying to get the arms out too. You can do it. Just stop trying to hit it hard. The power source is the legs and hips. So you need to be doing constant practice on legs and hips.
Constantly Work On Your Legs:
-DRILL: Swing Off Ground:
-DRILL: Listen to Club Swinging:
-DRILL: Swing Off Ground Variation:
-DRILL: My Favorite Drill – Variation 2:
July 30, 2015
RYDGJRThe concept is great and it really does work. You have covered this before, of course, but it is always good to have it reinforced. Just want to say that I really enjoy the way you explain things in all of your videos. It is just so obvious to me how much you really want to get your message across. Some folks probably feel that you might stay on a subject a bit too long, but I don’t feel that way at all. Keep up the good work . . . you are a special teacher of this game. You have made golf enjoyable for me again for sure. I really like the fact that I can work on stuff in my back yard now and when I do take it to the range or the course, I can see the results pretty consistently. When things go wrong now, I can pretty quickly get back on track. In the past, I would get myself all messed up trying to figure out what was going wrong and start making changes that were completely wrong.
July 31, 2015
Paul WilsonGary,
Glad you like the tips. Thanks for the feedback.
I used to love working on the swing at home. Great way to see what you are doing and no ball. Sounds like you are doing well. It great when you can get your swing back and know why you are hitting bad shots instead of scratching your head. Keep up the good work.
July 30, 2015
chrisHermonOnly been a member for a couple of months but your tips about powerless arms have improved my game so much and I shot my lowest ever score a couple of weeks ago. I had lessons with my local pro who said I would struggle not to use my arms and he couldn’t give me any drills to solve the issue but your online lessons have helped so much more than a 1-1 lesson with a average teacher have.
July 31, 2015
Paul WilsonChris,
Glad you to have you on board.
Glad you are seeing results.
Funny, I get people quitting because they want lessons with a live teacher. I really hope that teacher is teaching powerless arms. We are a rare breed.
June 4, 2017
richardkoppyPaul, the idea of slowing down my back swing has been one of the best tips i have heard you talk about on your website. It has helped me with three areas of my swing… first, setting my wrists at the top of my swing. Secondly, helping me lead my downswing with my lower body and the turn of my core. Thirdly, feeling more in control of this new swing and feeling the swing better. I have been practicing the body swing with reduced back swing speed at home and have not played with it on the range with real golf balls, but I have a feeling it will be good for my learning process. One question, what would be wrong playing golf with a slower back swing? I realize this is all about finding a good tempo for you in your swing. But, i would think it would really help keep the arms powerless and allow you to use your body and wrists better with this new swing. It is almost as if your slower back swing is storing all the energy for the release in the downswing. Thanks
June 5, 2017
Paul WilsonRichard,
I definitely like a slow versus fast backswing. So much more time to set the top. Glad you like and are doing it.
Nothing is wrong with playing with a slower backswing. There are plenty of pros and other who do. Go at the speed you feel is best for you.
For me it gives me time to set it and check my arms before coming down. I want to know they are powerless before the transition.