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Slow Down To Pick Your Downswing Trigger
Paul Wilson
on August 4, 2020
Tags: downswing speedgolf downswinggolf downswing transitiontransition golf
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
9 Responses to “Slow Down To Pick Your Downswing Trigger”
August 4, 2020
DonaldForresterNice tip… except for a bit of “dyslexia”… sue…. use!
Hang in there.
August 4, 2020
RandMellorStill one the best tips for anyone wanting to change how they hit a golf ball….You’ve said it many times, and it’s so true: to really get this powerless arms technique, u MUST slow down your swing so that u can absolutely “feel” the different positions properly…It really is the fastest, most effective way to learn your swing——great tip, just hope students take it to heart!!!!! Thx Paul for making golf fun again!
August 5, 2020
BernieAs someone who has a tendency to sway would the straighten left leg trigger be the best to help both rotation and sway?
August 6, 2020
Paul WilsonIf you are swaying then you need more rotation in the swing. Your body is moving sideways, you need to think turn. Yes, straightening the lead leg will help this. Check out this tip:
Using Your Cheeks To Coil:
August 6, 2020
SueTeeHi Bernie,
As a fellow previous ‘swayer’ – the answer is yes, I used the straighten the leg as my trigger and it works!
August 8, 2020
I know there are several suggestions to correct over the top.
What do you think of this method : ” making sure your right arm/right elbow are close to your right pants pocket on the downswing just before impact ” ?
August 10, 2020
Paul WilsonThat is one way of thinking about it, I would like for you to be thinking about using your legs and hips. If you need to work on arms to make them work better then I like the lag and release drill or teh Vertical to Vertical drill to get the same effect.
Vertical To Vertical:
Vertical To Vertical – Part 2:
May 21, 2021
Is it ok that I used two triggers at the same time, i.e. locking my lead leg and pushing my right toe for the downswing? For me, those two triggers almost happen at the same time in order to make my body to turn around.
Thanks for your advice,
May 28, 2021
Paul WilsonMost people struggle to do 2 things at once, but if this works great for you and you are seeing good results as well as good positioning then keep doing it.