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Simple Overall Swing Thoughts
Paul Wilson
on August 9, 2016
Tags: body golf swingcoiling body golfhow to use body golf swingloose wrists golf swing
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
29 Responses to “Simple Overall Swing Thoughts”
August 9, 2016
roccospaccioGetting better. Great info. Thank you Rocco
August 10, 2016
Paul WilsonRocco,
Glad you’re doing well. I love hearing it.
August 10, 2016
Bill FreemanHi Paul,
As always, a great tip. But, let me ask you what do you think about just before, or while swinging, when actually playing?
Personally, I try to think of what seems most useful at that point in time on MY PRACTICE SWING ( three or at most 4 things) and then not think at all on my actual swing.
But I’d love to hear what you do.
August 10, 2016
Paul WilsonBill,
I do a couple of practice swings trying to feel the torque in my left lat area or something else if I am working on it. I step up to the ball going through my routine. Just before I take the club back I am trying to get my arms totally relaxed. Once relaxed I start the coil into my backswing. That’s about it. Maybe I will do a tip on this one. Should be good.
August 10, 2016
johnhoyleGREETINGS COACH I look forward to your tips each day and what makes my laugh is when you get tickled with yourself.I’ve been with you long enough so I think i can say that. THANKS
August 10, 2016
Paul WilsonJohn,
Trying to have fun out there. Glad you like it.
August 10, 2016
BriThat’s it in a nutshell. You are so right. Seems SO counter-intuative though. Like give it your 80%! What coach has ever said that? Most of us just can’t seem to NOT to try and hit the drive of a life time, distance wise, each time, and in doing so, get so tense, we actually lose swing speed, accuracy, and outcome. I am putting this video as my overall ‘go to’ one. Simple and true. Thanks Paul.
August 10, 2016
Paul WilsonBri,
Yeah, but my 80% is your 120%. At first I would be learning how to drive the legs and hips as fast as you can then back it down to 80% once distance is a non-issue.
Yeah, but I ask people if they have ever hit that one shot 30-50 yards farther than any other shot. Then I ask what did they feel when they hit that shot? They all say easy, nothing, effortless. So if people have hit that one ball longer than any other with a feeling of nothing they could not have used their arms. So my goal it to let the golfing work know this and get them to realize that hitting hard did not product their longest shot. Once people realize this, maybe they will start focusing on their body as the power source in the swing.
Glad you see it.
Just do this drill for a while until you are goo at it then speed it up:
DRILL: This Is The Best Drill You Should Be Doing Right Now:
August 10, 2016
LenKoblenzHi Paul,
If one is playing and swinging at 50%, how does one judge distances? 50%?
August 10, 2016
Paul WilsonLen,
Well you swinging at 50% will cause you to hit shots 80-100% of the distance of your best shots with your arms. This is because you swinging easier will allow you to swing looser. The looser something is, the faster it swings. So go for 80% of your normal distance. If you hit it the same that’s a good thing too. I just like the fact that you are even saying you are going to try to swing at 50%. You will be amazed!
August 11, 2016
MichaelForsythHi Paul,
I took your advice from this video to the course yesterday and WOW! I was hitting very nice straight shots all around. I had a few bad shots, but each of those times I realized I didn’t have the 50% relaxed thoughts going on. The next shot was always great again, because I refocused my thoughts. One of my playing partners started calling me Mr. Perfect after my first few drives of the round split the fairway each time. And, the distance was not much less than when I swing faster. These swing thought videos are wonderful! They sure are making a difference with my game. Thanks.
August 11, 2016
Paul WilsonMichael,
Funny how when people do what I teach they get amazing results! It is amazing how swinging at 50% will get you hitting great shots. People just have to try it as you did. Once you do, you will not want the swing hard at it. Once you get used to it you speed it back up with legs and hips not arms. Stick to it now until you are used to it.
August 12, 2016
KurtKitsonHey Paul,
Been using your videos, books and web site for a couple seasons and have resulted in great improvement.
Just having a problem now. The more I focus on firing my legs the more I hook the ball. Not pull hook. Just hook. Getting very disappointed I can’t figure this out. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Kurt
August 12, 2016
Paul WilsonKurt,
Good job. I love hearing it.
Here is the fix:
August 16, 2016
MikeVintonHi Paul. I’m really liking your teaching. If you get a chance check out MLB Central 8/16 interview with Josh Donaldson, AL MVP. It is like listening to you. He does an incredible job of explaining effortless swing, powerless arms and rubber band power. I think you can find it on Twitter. Its worth the 7 minutes to watch it. Keep up the good work!
Mike Vinton
August 17, 2016
Paul WilsonMike,
Glad you like my teaching. I appreciate the feedback.
Thanks for the heads up. I will give it a listen.
August 17, 2016
Paul WilsonMike,
I can’t find it. I watch a couple of them but no mention of the swing.
October 24, 2016
DavidPoppHI Paul,
I have been following your method for a few months now and have been experiencing the most improvement in my swing in the three years I have been playing. I really enjoy your tips and your coaching style. I am encouraged about my ability to improve my game as I move into my seventies later this year.
One of my biggest frustrations at this point (and I am sure this won’t surprise you) is the ball!! I take practice swings, focusing on a leaf or blade of grass, and always hit that focal point and reach the touch the legs and back of the head positions perfectly.
I then step up to the ball and things change. The follow through is abbreviated and the swing no longer feels rhythmic. Even if I hit the ball well, I don’t get to the touch the head position completely…..even if doing so is my only swing thought. I am telling myself to NOT hit the ball, but to swing through it like that blade of grass I so expertly hit in my practice swing. This is maddening and, I assume, is linked to tension in some way. Do you see this with any of your students? Any suggestions?
Thanks again Paul.
October 25, 2016
Paul WilsonDavid,
Glad you are improving. I love hearing it.
First, stop picking a blade of grass etc. to swing at. This is still you hitting at an object. The whole point of doing the practice swings is to not hit. So in the future just look down at the general area and do the follow through positions.
Next, I just did a tip on this not to long ago. When you go to play you need to at least do something different. Right now you are trying to hit great shots. To go from the range to the course you need to go out late a night. No friends and don’t keep score. You have 3 extra balls in your pocket. Now, swing at no more than 50% and at least try to do something different. This means coil, hinge touch the legs and touch the head. Hold it and check it. If it is wrong … fix it. If you never fix it at the follow through you are saying it’s okay to do it wrong. If you fix it you then know the difference between right and wrong.
If you miss the shot throw another ball down and try it again.
How To Take Your Swing From The Range To The Course:
Harder You Swing the Harder it is to Perfect:
Swinging At 50 Percent:
I hope you understand it. The new swing is new. You are used to using your old. If you never do anything different you will keep using the old golf swing (hitting hard with arms) that will never work. As you at least try something new you will get used to the new which will allow you to get rid of the old.
How To Take Your Swing From The Range To The Course:
January 15, 2017
StianOttersenSuch great swing Paul. And I feel it is easy and smooth on my practice swings, still struggling when I get the ball in front of me though. Need to work on forgetting all about it and only think trigger 🙂
January 16, 2017
Paul WilsonStian,
Once you know the pieces and have work on them it is time to put it all together. Imagine if you had the grip, setup and follow through looking good. Well, you would only be thinking of coiling around a stable lower body, hinging fully and uncoiling (trigger). Then you watch your ball to tell you what you are or aren’t doing right or wrong. See it gets easier in the future. I know you like working on your swing and you have made great progress but you might be trying to do too many things. Start to make it simple and see the big picture. Get used to it. Then tidy it up in the future if you need too.
February 16, 2017
StianOttersenHi Paul,
I was at the range yesterday and my only thoughts were “club should feel heavy” + “keep head behind the ball swinging through”. Hit so many great shots with good contact and I could really fell the weight of the club stretching my arms. When feeling that the club is heavy one could not have been using the arms to move the club either in the backswing or downswing. Is this a good thought taking to the course as well? Thanks 🙂
February 17, 2017
Paul WilsonStian,
This is exactly the feeling. This is what I feel. If your clubs feel heavy you are doing it right. This is showing in the amazing shots you were hitting. Keep doing it so you get used to, and never forget, this feeling.
Good job.
February 19, 2017
Off topic: Have you tried the new Cobra one length irons? Bought new “normal” irons last year, but after looking at them the other day I got a bit tempted
February 19, 2017
Paul WilsonStian,
I haven’t tried them yet. I know a guy who knows the rep. Trying to get a set but it will take time. I like my Sterlings though so I can’t see changing any time soon.
February 20, 2017
StianOttersenOk Thanks. The sterlings looks good too but tricky for me living in Norway trying them.
You would recommend single length for every type of golfer?
Think I could benefit from it with one set-up etc
February 20, 2017
Paul WilsonStian,
I would recommend everyone at least try them. It took me about 10 rounds though to get used to them. I find them so much easier to hit.
March 28, 2019
One of my faves “Think Easy Thoughts” appear to have a problem with the link. It says I don’t have access to this content. Can you please check this?
Thanks, Mike
March 31, 2019
Paul WilsonMike,
No issues on my end with this tip.