Sidelying Rotation

By | on July 17, 2024 | 7 Comments | Array


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7 Responses to “Sidelying Rotation”

  1. June 30, 2016


    For some weird reason, I’m being told that I do not have access to this tip, or that it has expired. Is it just me or is your software having problems again?


  2. June 30, 2016


    GREETINGS COACH In two months I will be 70.Would the first “sidelying be better for someone my age,i am pretty flexable, or try the second to see how it feels?I don’t want to be trying to do something just to show myself that I still can and do damage. THANKS

    • Greetings Student! Good question. I’m glad you’re asking this because everyone should have some kind of concern whether an exercise is correct for them or not. Based on the important, but limited, info you gave me I’m thinking you could do either. Interestingly enough, I’m leaning towards the second one using the ball. Because you’re already flexible, as you say, the pressure on the ball will tend to make you work harder with stabilization which is typically what a person blessed with natural flexibility needs to concentrate on. Just start very slow and add intensity as tolerated. It’s a feel good move so keep that in mind.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  3. August 31, 2016


    Great instructions…simple and easy to understand…

  4. Looks terrific. Although I have a lot of back issues, I do still turn pretty well. I’m going to try to add this to my routine and hope it may help with my back issues as well as golf!
    Bill Freeman

    • Sounds great, Bill. I often recommend improving the mobility of the thoracic spine area and hips to eliminate certain stresses on the lower back. This exercise addresses the thoracic spine. Couple this with a few others for that area, as well as the hips, to get a well-rounded routine. Best of luck!
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  5. Jeremy, excellent exercise instruction, as always! I have a question for you: Do u have some exercises for the 2, long muscles that parallel the spine? I have my right side that’s a little sore, and greatly appreciate some stretches/exercises that loosen those muscles up! Again, thank u for your outstanding videos! Thx Rand

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