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Severity Of A Hook
Paul Wilson
on November 1, 2016
Tags: golf hookgolf slicehook golf ballhow to cure a hook
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “Severity Of A Hook”
November 1, 2016
AllanLeurquinPaul could ball position be a factor in hooking and slicing to some degree. Thanks for the tip nice to be able to fix your swing fast.
November 2, 2016
Paul WilsonAllan,
That is going to affect the direction. Your wrists affect the spin. Too far back = push. Too far forward = pull.
Ball Position:
Easy Way To Check Ball Position:
November 2, 2016
As a lefty, I’m pretty sure my grip remains fairly neutral but do,too often for my liking,hook or even pull hook shots to the right.
Sometimes I have the feeling of taking it back too quickly on the inside on the backswing and also everything a bit too fast and rushed.
Would this combination also promote my hooks?
These recent series of tips are absolutely spot on in understanding what causes all the common bad shots and how to rectify them.
November 2, 2016
Paul WilsonDavid,
If you are hooking without trying to hook it your grip is too strong. If you think it’s neutral and you still get these hooks you are changing your grip as you take it back.
Check you hand position so they are not too far ahead of the ball. Then video your swing or do a close up of your grip. If you are moving it you will see yourself do it as you take it back. I used to do this so I know it very well.
Once you see yourself doing it, place the neutral grip on the club and don’t twitch or wiggle in any way before you take it back. This take immense concentration. Take a look.
November 2, 2016
stevesurrallHi Paul, this is a problem I struggled with. I’d set a neutral grip at address but, unconsciously, just before I started my backswing my right hand would regroup to a strong position. The pro at my local club suggested putting double-sided sticky tape on the club’s grip and this certainly helped me to stop the re-gripping. I’m not sure I’ll ever completely eliminate it, so it’s something I keep a close eye on.
November 2, 2016
Paul WilsonSteve,
Been there many years ago. To fix it I placed my grip on the club and with immense concentration, I focused on not twitching, wiggling of moving it in any way before I took it back. No matter where you hit it, you need to do at least 30 in a row to get used to the new grip. This is the problem. You are not doing enough in a row to master it. I just fixed a student the other day doing this.
If you have been a lifelong drawer of the ball, you will blow it right if you fix the grip. This shot is the second flaw (sway) showing up. You then have to focus on turning to hit it dead straight. Most people see a few shots go right and quit. If you are determined you can fix it but it takes immense concentration.
Also, you should switch how you stay in motion before you take it back. I would suggest bouncing it like I do in this video:
Stay in Motion:
This way you will not be pressing the club in any way. Press it too far forward and you will grip on the side of the club.
How Your Grip and Setup Can Get You Shut at the Top of the Backswing:
How A Faulty Grip Affects Your Swing:
November 3, 2016
stevesurrallThanks Paul, I’ll certainly try bouncing the club at address. I suspect I’m also guilty of having my hands too far forward at address (as per your video). As you say, until this is fixed it makes diagnosis quite difficult.