How Your Setup Affects Power

By | on September 7, 2012 | 2 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

2 Responses to “How Your Setup Affects Power”

  1. September 8, 2012


    Paul, I am going back to a session you did earlier this week regarding practice on the range turning your arms off. You can not believe – or maybe you can I am the one who could not believe the difference it made in my swing and contacting the ball. You suggested hitting buckets of balls with the arms turned off. Starting with the ball being teed up and hitting only 2/3 rds the normal distance with a club. Well this morning I went to the range and worked on that. I started hitting one ball at a time. When I felt like I was beginning to get that feeling, I placed between 10 and 20 balls in a line. The repetition of swings without having to set up a new ball between swings helped me to repeat the swing and get in a groove. After hitting almost 200 balls I felt like I had finally discover the feeling of turning my arms off. This evening I played nine holes and was able to carry over the practice session. Not to say every shot was great, but I had several approach shot with an iron that were everything I could ever hope for. Crisp, on line and close enough for makable birdie putts. My drives were about 10 yards longer than normal. Once again I am a firm believer in you method of teach the golf swing. Thanks and I will continue to watch your daily videos and work on my game. Golf can be fun and without frustration.

    • September 11, 2012

      Paul Wilson

      Peter, I totally can believe the difference. This is why I keep trying to tell people to do it. Once you feel effortless power you will never want to stop having this feeling. Why work harder than you have to?

      What you have to do is keep doing the drill. If you think you’ve got it you don’t. This is because human nature will creep in telling you to hit harder and harder. Once you do you will start hitting it thin and topping it. So, keep doing the 2/3 swings for a lot longer. The tell tale sign that you have it would be hitting your first ball with driver at 2/3 distance and it only going 2/3. It should not take you 5 tries to get it. The first ball with driver. Once you can do this you are good to go.

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