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See The Release
Paul Wilson
on April 6, 2023
Tags: Drillrelease drillroll over drill
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
7 Responses to “See The Release”
May 8, 2018
MikeNuebelHow do you feel about the first move down from the top of your backswing is to drop your left shoulder down slightly toward the left hip? Thanks Paul
May 8, 2018
Paul WilsonMike,
You do that you will definitely come over the top. Your left shoulder would be going up with the uncoil as your body is tilting more behind the ball at impact.
This would also be starting the upper body first which is totally opposite to what I teach. I want you coiling from the top and uncoiling frot he bottom.
Uncoil 1:
Uncoil 2:
Shoulder in the the downswing:
Shoulders in downswing:
May 10, 2018
NormanKlineI Posted this before but I don’t think it went through. Why do you not wear a glove? I don’t like wearing one, but here in Kansas we sweat a lot. I wear a fingerless glove. Do you use anything to prevent slipping?
May 10, 2018
Paul WilsonNorman,
When I worked on the swing I was going through a glove per week. They were $16 and I could not afford them. Synthetic gloves back then weren’t very good so I just stopped wearing them. I use Tour Wrap grips which are very tacky. Just wipe them or your hands off and they never slip.
May 10, 2018
NormanKlineThank you. I will check that out
May 10, 2018
JamesSneathI want to be clear. Is this a drill to loosen up your wrist or is this an actual part of the coil move? Do you intentionally roll your wrist during the coil (opening the club face going back and closing the club face going forward)?
May 10, 2018
Paul WilsonJames,
You are just doing your backswing hinge. You are not rolling it open. From the top you are intentionally rolling the wrists earlier than necessary. This gets the ball hooking. Once you can hook it you no longer slice it. At this point you would be working on body rotation to straighten it out.