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Say Yes – Can Not See Toes
Paul Wilson
on September 22, 2023
Tags: golf back swingsay yesshoulders golf swingshoulders in backswingtop of backswing golfyes
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
8 Responses to “Say Yes – Can Not See Toes”
April 23, 2017
NagiMatoIt’s starting to sound like you are talking to children – and are upset about it. I’m not digging your current approach.
Am I wrong?
April 24, 2017
JohnBensonI think Paul is trying to be articulate and concise (as he does all his videos) to make his point is clearly as possible.
April 24, 2017
Paul WilsonNagi,
Not at all. This is my passion and wanting you to get it. Sometimes I have to stress certain things. I am going to say it how I say it in the moment. If you want me to candy coat it then you have the wrong guy.
April 24, 2017
MichaelQuarneLove these “Yes” tips!! We final have a course open (Alaska) twelve holes and I can work on these tips at the driving range also.
April 24, 2017
Paul WilsonMichael,
Glad you like the tips. I appreciate it. I have another student in Alaska. He stopped by for lessons when he was passing through. You guys lover your golf up there.
March 13, 2020
rodbeuthinGreat tip Paul. I love these say YES tips please keep them coming
March 19, 2020
Paul WilsonI try to replay some older series tips on Thursdays, but if you want ot see more of them; go teh the SEARCH bar at teh top of the page and type in “SAY YES” and you will all of them.
March 13, 2020
RandMellorPlease keep these tips coming and continue to NOT “candy coat” them——Your frank, emphatic approach to teaching this game is very effective!!!! Please don’t change! Love the passion you have for helping your students…..Thanks Paul!!!!