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Remember Series – Tilt and Roll
Paul Wilson
on March 26, 2015
Tags: golf releasegolf swing body tiltgolf swing releasing clubgolf swing tiltremember
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
12 Responses to “Remember Series – Tilt and Roll”
March 27, 2015
Paul MacHi Paul,
Joined ignition golf in jan this year, love the way you teach.
After darting all over your old site for the first 3 months, trying to find the quick fix…………it finally it dawned …..and to quote you…..” Your not getting it..” So back to the start I went, back to basics to roll the wrists first , then use the legs etc…….. Now having success on the range with your methods not totally on course as yet, but as you said………., Iam hitting the odd amazing effortless shot in between the old swing creeping back in and using the arms here and there. So I know the feel…..trying to reproduce every time?………practise I assume……
So on that point I am working hard on practise swings every night ,I think I see the light ……. your right it becomes a habit…. ……with my practice swings the club feels heavy, arms feel out of it and I drive from the legs and wrists are loose, roll etc. it feels effortless and I get this feel on some shots………. great……
However on course and the range to a lesser extent obviously i start the swing from the ball, so when doing this I feel that my arms come into it , working to lift the club and I think this causing issues as they then power into the swing from that point ……presto ….arms driving the swing ………. I am trying to turn them off at the top……whereas in practise they just swing through effortless from A to B……as the momentum from the finish point swings the club back through to the top……if that makes sense. ..?
So the question………..Should all my practise swings start from the bottom to get the feel on the swing from the start (Knees) or should I continue to do the practise swings as one continuous roll of swings?? ?………The continuous swing is so easy as it drives the club back to the top , hinge just happens etc…………..Do you have a tip that may help?
Thanks again…new site is awesome….
March 27, 2015
DavidMoodyHi Paul
I joined the site recently and think the dashboard is a brilliant idea.
The hinge videos have changed my swing for the better so many thanks for that. I can’t understand why I haven’t been doing this properly for years!
I’m working on the hip turn and knee touch for the downswing and am having problems with weight shift and balance. The video today reminded me that when I do tilt (but roll imperfectly) I stay behind on my right side and can do horrible things to the ball. Any thoughts on how to stay behind the ball but move your weight to the left BUT stay in balance. Is this just practice, practice, or is there some technique I can review for assistance?
Thanks again for your remote help. Best on the internet and I know because I’ve looked at most of them!!
March 27, 2015
Paul WilsonDavid,
Thank you for joining and you comments about the Dashboard. I truly appreciate it.
The hing is HUGE. This is were you get power and consistency. Couple this with body rotation and you even more power and consistency.
You have not been doing this because of human nature:
How Human Nature Wants to Make You Hit at the Ball:
You shift the weight by getting up on the tip of the toe in the Follow Through. So don’t think shift think turn. If you are out of balance you are swinging way to hard.
DRILL: Do It Right at 1MPH
There Is Lateral Motion In The Downswing:
I tilt by driving my lower body. You are going to take it in 2 steps. !. Get the tilt. Get off your right side. When tilting you will hit some fast shots. This is too much weight on your back foot at impact. Dashboard > Cures > Fat
Cures – Manually Tilt To Stop Pulling:
So definitely slow down. You are trying to hit great shots without a great swing. This is luck. Build a great swing and you hit great shots. Not luck because you will do it forever.
Work On The Movement:
March 27, 2015
Paul WilsonPaul,
Thank you for joining and you kind words. I truly appreciate it. Glad you like the Dashboard too!
Sounds like you are getting close. The first slide of the Dashboard has 8 lessons. This is exactly how I teach everyone so maybe stick to that order. As you do you will be building a great swing. Couple that with loosening the wrists and coiling and uncoiling and you’ve got it.
Taking to the course is tricky. Check the practice slide in the Dashboard. I have a whole section on taking it to the course. Basically, swing easy and forget the ball. Focus on the positions and get them on the course no matter where the ball goes.
If you need to work on the roll then roll it. One the range hit hooks then straighten it out with body rotation. If you have mastered the roll and rarely slice it then it would be coiling and uncoiling in practice swings.
DRILL: Smooth Wrist Release:
Legs and Hips:
Driving Hips Harder But Hook It First:
March 27, 2015
daviddonaldsonBeen pushing my irons of late and have your cure in my todo area.
Whilst I fully understand this tip and will practice it, could there not be a danger of too much backward tilt and of staying on your back foot at impact.
I do like the wrist roll and it has produced some effortless strikes for me. I feel like I have barely hit the ball.
March 27, 2015
Paul WilsonDavid,
I didn’t say to hit balls.
Most people hit with arms. In doin so the lean left. I spet 2 years trying to explain how I get this tilt by firing my legs and hips. People still have trouble with it so I want people to manually tilt to at least get behind the ball through impact. Yes, you may hit fat shots that is why I did this tip:
Stop Fat Shots When Working On Moving Your Head:
Also there is a whole section the Dashboard on curing Fat shots.
Get one thing or one piece then fix the other if you can’t get it the way I get it. It is all about getting people to at leas change. I may have to resort to drastic measures at times.
March 27, 2015
Dangerous tip! You know us amateurs. Now we will start thrusting our hips, shifting our hips (laterally), and bellying the ball, all in an effort to tilt. Shouldn’t the tilt just happen naturally if we turn our hips as you instruct? Mike
March 27, 2015
Paul WilsonMike,
I did not tell people to shift. I said I would not hit balls doing this. I said if over-tilt you will push it.
So not as dangerous as you think.
This tilt should be happening by using your lower body. I have been trying to get people to do this for 2 years. I have moved no to taking it in 2 steps.
1. Get the tilt.
2. Get off the back foot.
Couple this with releasing and you basically have it.
Cures – Manually Tilt To Stop Pulling:
Why do you think I keep posting my favorite drills a few times per year. Trying to get people to swing off the ground more than 3 times is like pulling teeth. If people don’t do drills for the legs how am I going to get them to do the tilt?
April 5, 2015
Barry BowerHi Paul not a great roller of the wrist when i do roll them over it feels really strange so i know i probably do not do it enough in my normal swing. how do i know if i am rolling them over too much other than see where ball goes . still winter up here ion Canada.will working on this alot around the house get me rolling the wrist too much.
April 6, 2015
Paul WilsonBarry,
If you are rolling it too much you will be hitting big low pull hooks. This is good in the sense that you will master it and not slice it. It is worrying though that you are going to overdo it. I would still be rolling but just see the face being a little closed not at impact. Remember you will be adding lower body rotation to straighten it out when you get hitting balls again. So back it off a little now just in case.
May 23, 2015
golfer99Hi Paul courses open in Canada working on this wrist release . do not think i am releasing wrist enough, would this explain why my grip seems to changes some when i look at it at the end of my follow through some fingers seem to be off club ,when i do the proper rolling of the wrist my grip stays nicely in place at follow through . that snapping feeling of the wrists feels so strange but i assume this is the feeling i need to get comfortable with. Hitting ball reasonably well now but am i correct in thinking that if i get comfortable with better wrist release consistency should get even better.
May 24, 2015
Paul WilsonBarry,
When your grip move you are hitting. Mine did too. The day I stopped hitting was the day my grip was still in pace at the end of the swing.
Are Your Hands Coming Off the Club?: