Remember Series – Stretch and Stretch

By | on April 2, 2015 | 6 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

6 Responses to “Remember Series – Stretch and Stretch”

  1. April 2, 2015



    Thanks for the additional info regarding fat shots. I was out just today to fix the mid iron pulls I was having. Got the pull fixed with the tilt drill as you mentioned, but I was also hitting those fat shots from time to time as you mentioned here. So…just a matter of continuing to make ever so minor adjustments/continue the practice. I am seeing significant improvement in my direction/distance when I get those clean shots…just need to get it to higher percentage of ‘doing it right’


    • Kim,

      Yes, just got to get off the back foot. After you keep doing the tilt you will get used to it. Then you can stay focused on getting off the back foot. Sounds like you are close.

  2. Hi Paul. For the scientific purists among your students, I would alter one part of your explanation of the benefits of a larger arc. When you increase the arc of your swing you’re increasing the angular momentum, not necessarily the speed of your swing. Angular momentum is equal to the mass (club head) multiplied by the swing velocity, multiplied by the swing radius. So the angular momentum, ( and centrifugal force), imparted to the ball increases with a larger swing arc, even if the swing velocity stays the same. Of course, if you increase the swing velocity and the arc, you impart much more energy to the ball.

    Unfortunately, I understand the Physics of the swing a lot more than its implementation!

    Best Regards,

    • Ron,

      I totally realize this but you are seeing it from the scientific perspective. I am seeing it from the teacher perspective. My way people get it. Your way people will be confused. So although your way is the scientific description my way gets results.

  3. Good tip Paul,I sometime hit the ball fat, and some I pull the ball bad.If I could stop t
    he pulls and pushes I would be very happy.


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