Releasing the Mid-Back With the Foam Roller

By | on January 31, 2024 | 4 Comments | Array


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4 Responses to “Releasing the Mid-Back With the Foam Roller”

  1. March 27, 2013


    I just acquired a 6″ x 36″ foam roller. It is extremely firm. Is this the kind that you recommend or have I gotten the wrong one? It’s not very comfortable but I can deal with it if it is the proper one.


    • Hi Len,
      The rollers do come in different levels of density. All I can say is that the rollers I use are relatively firm… meaning if I squeeze it I can’t get much deeper than 1/4″ depth if that. On the website it says “standard density”. I definitely feel it’s firmness when I first lay on it but it seems to subside quickly. If you’re experiencing pain at all please discontinue the use and try another one.
      Jeremy Klinkhamer, PT

  2. These exercises with THE FOAMROLLER are definitely great and bring a lot of relief to your back .
    I would never have found them out without you L
    Thanks Jeremy .

  3. January 31, 2024

    Dale Jenkins

    You mentioned stay away from the lower back. Do you have an exercise for lower, lumbar stiffness.?

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