Reference Points – Tension Rater Drill

By | on April 10, 2017 | 9 Comments | Array


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9 Responses to “Reference Points – Tension Rater Drill”

  1. October 23, 2012


    Interesting… and simple !

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    October 23, 2012

    David Breslow

    Hi RaoulBintner,

    Thank you! Yes, it’s “scary” how simple it is, isn’t it?
    I’m know in the biz as the “simple idiot” because things ARE much simpler than the majority of golfers make it. I don’t know…along the way people were taught how “difficult” it is and is supposed to be. Not true.

    Let us know how you’re progressing!


  3. October 24, 2012


    Wrote to you about my set up a while ago and that one is much better now!! 🙂 I have managed to get my routine in place and I do my routine every time in the same way. Sad enough my swing is n

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      October 24, 2012

      David Breslow

      Hi Lotta,

      Congrats to you. Well done!
      You are right..the mind/body connection CANNOT BE DENIED!!!!!
      Not only is “more often” as you write–it’s all the time! Try and separate them…I don’t think you can!

      Keep up your great work over the cold season…


  4. October 26, 2012


    Hey David,

    Instead of using numbers as reference points for different swing speeds, can i just make reference points for slow, medium then fast?

    so if say i’m pitching and need to swing at a medium swing speed cannot i just say to myself medium or do numbers work better with this muscle memory process??



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      October 27, 2012

      David Breslow

      Hello again Roger!

      Sure, you can use “slow, medium and fast”.
      Everyone is different and the real and ONLY litmus test that matters is: DOES IT WORK FOR YOU?

      If it does…that’s great!

      It’s been my experience that numbers have a consistent connection with the majority–but that doesn’t mean a darn thing if words work better for you.

      Test both for 2 weeks each and see what you feel.

      Let us know!

  5. September 23, 2014


    Greetings Coach So simple why did i not think of that? Well Hoyle thats why David is the coach !!!!! Thanks coach great tip

  6. April 10, 2017


    Dave, I would love to get your program Wired to Win however living in Canada the exchange rate makes it prohibitive for me.
    Hopefully in the near future it will get close to par and you will hear from me. Regards…John Selkirk

  7. April 17, 2017


    I like it. Makes a lot of sense and will work on it

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