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Dial In Your Chipping – Learn the Ratios
Paul Wilson
on March 14, 2016
Tags: ChippingChipping Club SelectionRatio For Chipping
Author Description

Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
47 Responses to “Dial In Your Chipping – Learn the Ratios”
May 4, 2013
RaymondCHASTELAnnother first class lesson ,Paul ,thank you .To make things easier I ‘ll refine your calculation chart :remember only one figure :12 ,
Then calculate the ratio between the CARRY and the ROLL.,when landing the ball one yard off the edge of the Green .Say its 3 yards CARRY and 9 yards Roll:the ratio is 3/9=1/3 Substract the DENOMNATOR 3 from 12 :you get 9 .The club to use is the 9 Iron .
If the ratio is 1/1 ,12 -1=11 .its the 11 Iron that is the gap wedge 52
May 6, 2013
Paul WilsonRaymond,
I have heard of that calculation before. It’s gives you the right club every time.
October 10, 2018
stephenchappellHow does that ratio above work when you have such numbers as 4 yards carry and 9 yards roll? So you have 4/9. , what would be the club and number to subtract from 12.
At what distance is not consider chipping ?
I had 3/19 using the formula above. What is your denominator?
What are the clubs to correspond to 12,11,10,9, 8 etc
October 11, 2018
Paul WilsonStephen,
You hit it a hair harder or easier to the point where the ratio make sense.
When To Pitch: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-pitching/
3/19 hit the 7 iron harder to the 5:1 landing point. I say this in the ratios video to not use more than a 7 iron because you won’t get it airborne with a 6 iron.
May 5, 2013
Thanks for the lesson in which we had a carry of 5 paces and a roll of 5 paces. Hence the use of a sand wedge.
For the back stroke,the hands should stop opposite the right thigh.
what if the carry was 7 paces and the roll 7 paces.
what adjustments are required to make a carry of 7 paces using a sand wedge?
May 6, 2013
Paul WilsonEriab,
You are going to take the club back the distance that will hit the ball 7 paces. This may be a tiny bit farther back. 2 paces is not the much.
August 23, 2013
AndrewSalterHi Paul,
At what point should you determine that the number of paces “to fly” is too long and that a pitch is more appropriate than a chip?
August 23, 2013
Paul WilsonAndrew,
This depends where the pin is on the green. If you have farther to fly than you have to roll you are pitching. A 1:1 can be 10 yards from the green to a pin 10 yards on. You are pitching to hit the ball higher so it will not roll as far.
August 23, 2013
AndrewSalter“Chipping or Pitching” tutorial answers my question perfectly:-)
July 25, 2014
HaroldBaldockHi Paul,
The ratios all make sense and you do a very good job of making it understandable.
1. I don’t quite understand how to chip on the severe upslopes. Could you please assist with these?
2. What is a pros choice of when to chip and when to putt? Meaning, if the ball is on the second cut of grass around the green, is the best choice to putt?
July 26, 2014
Paul WilsonHarold,
If you are on a sever upslope you add 1 to the ratio. example: You would hit a 9 iron on a flat lie. Upslope you would hit 8 iron. Downslope you would hit PW.
It all depends where the pin is and how far off the green you are.
When To Pitch: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-pitching
September 9, 2014
JamesChapleauDoes this chipping method use a take away of 45 degrees? If not what degree take away is used.
September 9, 2014
Paul WilsonJames,
No idea what you are talking about here. 45 degrees? Please explain.
Chipping is like putting. You should be doing your putting stroke.
How to Chip: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-how
Ratios: https://ignitiongolf.com/ratio-dial-chipping
September 10, 2014
JamesChapleauI’ll explain. The club face and ball on the ground at address are at zero degrees. Swinging the club on take away to a point parallel or horizontal to the ground behind the golfer would be a 90 degree take away or 9 on the face of a clock. A take away to a point vertical to the ground would be a 180 degree take away or 12 on the face of a clock. OK?
My question was what is the degree of take away on the Chip shots 4yards off the green; or in other words, to what number on the clock?
September 10, 2014
Paul WilsonJames,
I am not even thinking like that. At address your club is leaning forward so it is not at 0. To go back I take the club from my left leg to my right leg then past my left leg. There is no clock. You are hitting it all of 4 yards. A backstroke this long will easily hit it this far. To go less either do a slightly shorter stroke or don’t accelerate as fast. Longer shots same or a little longer stroke and accelerate faster. Remember, chipping it like putting. Do you think of a clock when putting? No.
How to Chip: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-how/
How To Chip Consistently: https://ignitiongolf.com/chip-consistently/
March 25, 2015
Got around to practicing the technique first and now for the ratios. For me in technique was remembering to have that weight on the left side!!! Was ALWAYS consistent when I had that weight set correctly. Did the ratios with the sandie and 7i and can fully confirm was so very consistent to the instruction on the roll distances. Major upside for me around the green now in that I feel confident about how far my shots will go every time. I did a lot of practice with just the sandie this morning and can confidently say I can get up and down about 70% of the time already. Wish I could post a picture to show you… 🙂 I did sink a few as well.
Thanks again.
March 26, 2015
Paul WilsonKim,
Exactly. If the weight falls to the back foot you will chunk it.
That’s great you are doing well. You need to practice as I show in the tip below. Then you will hit the same spot on the front of the green each time.
How to Practice: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-how-to-practice
How To Get the Proper Chipping Trajectory: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-trajectory/
April 5, 2015
Out on the course today to try to put it all together. Can’t tell you how much more confident I am around the greens and even the short pitches. I had the full gambit of shots today and did better than 60% up and down. Now that was exciting. Couple OB pushed me up to 80, but can’t wait to get out practicing and playing again. Your instruction has truly changed my outlook that I will be at par or better soon.
April 6, 2015
Paul WilsonKim,
Wow, sounds like you are really close to a major breakthrough. You would have been real good without those shots OB. Keep at it and be careful not to push it too hard. If you do you will tighten up and it will fall apart.
Just in case, watch this:
You Will Top It: https://ignitiongolf.com/you-will-top-it/
Also, just keep doing what you are doing. I think you are almost there. Let us all know.
March 14, 2016
johnhoyleGreets Coach Thanks for the help today so far so good. My question relates to the grip.For years I have been using the interlocking grip because I was told it works better for stubby fingers, which I have. You recommend the over lapping ,I have swung a club with the overlapping grip and it feels ok .Your thoughts.
March 15, 2016
Paul WilsonJohn,
There are 2 problem with the interlocking grip:
1. I takes 1 finger of your weaker hand off of the club. The overlapping grip has all fingers of your weaker hand on the club.
2. People like comfort of the pinky so they back the top hand off into a strong position. Strong is wrong. You can do the interlocking grip if you do not back the bottom hand off making it strong. Most people don’t like this because they lose the secure connection. In this case they go to the overlapping grip.
So the choice is yours. It really doesn’t take that long to change.
March 15, 2016
DavidWeinsteinHi Paul
I get into periods when I try to “help the ball up” and then I lose confidence. Any suggestion on how to get rid of this?
March 15, 2016
Paul WilsonDavid,
Stop helping the ball. Tell your self to do this. If you are helping it you are hitting. I don’t want you to hit. I want you going from the top of the backswing through to the follow through. So once you hit the top change how you think. You should be thinking touch your legs. Then as the club is into the through swing you are thinking touch the head. If you are thinking like this you are not think hit the ball.
Also, if you are thinking like this you really need to be working on and mastering swing positions. At this stage the ball really should not matter. It is all about the movement. So every time you step up to it you do a couple of perfect practice swings thinking of the ending point. Then you step up and go to that ending point. Then you watch your ball to tell you what you did right or wrong. If you pull/pull hook it you need more legs. Push/push fade it means you need to turn more and loosen the wrists. Slice you need to loosen the wrists then add more lower body.
DRILL: Touch Legs Touch Head: https://ignitiongolf.com/follow-through-sequence-drill/
March 16, 2016
DavidWeinsteinPaul, my question pertains the chipping around the green, as per this tip, not the full swing, where I have learned to “touch the legs” and improved enormously. I find that I try to help the ball up just because of the short distance (like flying the ball a couple of yards into the green).
March 16, 2016
Paul WilsonDavid,
You need to see chipping as putting. It is like your putting stroke with the weight on the forward leg and 3-4 knuckle grip position. So it’s like putting with your hands way ahead. If you are scooping you are not stroking it. So think like you are doing your putting stroke. Then you need to make sure you hold the weight on the forward foot throughout the whole stroke. There is not shift in chipping. This will stop you falling back and scooping.
How To Stop Scooping Your Chip Shots: https://ignitiongolf.com/stop-scooping-chip-shots/
Another Way To Stop Scooping Chip Shots: https://ignitiongolf.com/stop-scooping-chip-shots-2/
March 15, 2016
DavidWeinsteinHi Paul
I get into periods when I try to “help the ball up” and then I lose confidence. Any suggestion on how to get rid of this? This happens mainly when I hit from a hard pan, where there is very little grass.
March 15, 2016
Paul WilsonDavid,
And you need to watch this:
Knock Down Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/shot-knock-down/
Shot: How To Hit From Hard Pan: https://ignitiongolf.com/shot-hard-pan/
March 15, 2016
RaymondCHASTELPaul ,This is exactly my “Rule of 12” method I explained some time ago :it works each and every time .Chipping is one of the best parts of my game ,and it’s not unusual I just chip in ;
My chipping stroke is a swing in miniature more than a putting stroke :I pivot sligthly going back ,hinge slightly the wrists ,then go through and hold.I place the ball either between the two feet close togther or on the right foot :it dépends if I want a low flight or a higher flight .I open very slightly the stance ,not much, to better see the target and get the left leg out of the way .
Also I hold the club below the grip ,on the shaft ,like SEVERIANO BLLESTEROS who was an artist at this stroke
September 10, 2016
kennion.johnsonHi, Is the green you are using fairly flat or downhill from where you are chipping… as you know it is hard to tell on a screen…thanks
September 11, 2016
Paul WilsonKeenion,
This green is fairly flat.
If you are hitting to a slight downhill or uphill green you would add or subtract 1 from the ratio. If it was sever you might add or subtract 2. You need to take this into consideration when you are coming up with the calculation.
June 22, 2017
DonaldSchwassHI Paul, have been practicing the chipping ratios, but on one thing would like clarification:
If the ball is 10 yards off the green on a tight lie up to the green, the ratio works perfect. My issue is with a fluffy lie ten yards off the green. Using the 30ft putt parameter does not always get the ball to land on the green. How to I gauge the length of swing for specific distance I want on that first drop?
June 22, 2017
Paul WilsonDonald,
You would be chipping from 10 yards off if the pin was 10 yards onto the green. This would be a ways off the green so you would be accelerating harder or taking a backswing long enough to get it on the green. In that chipping tip I was only a few paces off the green. So whatever it take to land the ball on the green.
October 27, 2017
As always your ability to simplify and boil things down to their essence continues to amaze. It is an incredibly clear reflection of someone who has mastery over the subject matter they are dealing in. As it relates to this tip, I find that my ability to gauge a ‘one yard on’ stroke is not great with clubs above SW – should the stroke be the exact same with all clubs (same force and backstroke length)? Would you advise strongly against using SW for all chips, in which case you are landing the shot further onto the green to maintain the 1:1 ratio or does this relate back to my earlier question and negate the benefits of having one consistent chipping stroke ?
Appreciate your insight.
October 29, 2017
Paul WilsonSteve,
Thank you for your kind words. MY explanations come from no one being about to explain it to me over the many years I was trying to get my swing back after losing it. Glad I can help people understand exactly what they need to do.
Your stroke needs to be enough to get the ball on. Follow the practice tip below. It really doesn’t take that much to master. HINT: a lot of people try to hit perfect chips right out of the gate so they get too delicate. If you are having trouble with a certain club just get the ball on. Then back it off once you are better gauging the distance.
How to Practice: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-how-to-practice/
How To Get the Proper Chipping Trajectory: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-trajectory/
How To Practice Chipping Before You Play: https://ignitiongolf.com/practice-chipping-before-play/
April 18, 2018
DonaldSchwassHi Paul, great to be back on the tip list. Just wanted to ask, I use your chipping technique to the “T”, and it is very effective. On a previous tip, you showed your technique as bring the club back to your back leg. In this tip, you show the ratio technique, which is brilliant, landing the ball one pace on the green for each club selection. Would you clarify, if you use a SW or a 7-iron to chip, and take backswing to the back leg, will they both land on the green one pace on? Thanks. Don
April 18, 2018
Paul WilsonDon,
Glad you are doing the chipping technique. It does work great.
Bringing it back to the back leg is an approximation so you don’t go too far back. At the back leg they would both land on the front the same. The would have different trajectories due to the different loft or each club.
May 13, 2018
Steve WeberPaul, do you adjust the ratios for slow or fast greens?
May 13, 2018
Paul WilsonSteve,
Yes, as well as slopes. Add or subtract based on the speed or severity of the slopes. Most of the greens we play aren’t all that fast.
June 22, 2018
CurtBlackCan I send a link to this one tip to a buddy? I have thanked u many times after using your instructions while walking to my ball after a nice chip on the green! Not to mention the occasional gimmie!!
June 23, 2018
Paul WilsonCurt,
That tip is not set to free. I do have it on my YouTube Channel though here:
Just copy the link and send it. Also, on the homepage I do have FREE TIPS in the red navigation bar. He can watch some more there. Thanks.
July 4, 2018
Juan PabloZegarraHi Paul,
What do you recommend in situations, for example, when the ball is 10 yards from the green to a pin 2 yards on? Thanks.Pablo
July 5, 2018
Paul WilsonJuan,
You would be pitching.
When To Pitch: https://ignitiongolf.com/chipping-pitching/
Short Game – Short Pitch Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/short-pitch/
Flop Shot: https://ignitiongolf.com/flop-shot-pitching/
How To Open The Clubface On Flop Shots: https://ignitiongolf.com/open-face-flop/
How To Work On Flop Shots: https://ignitiongolf.com/work-on-flop-shots/
August 7, 2018
DirkMousWow! Paul, I just spent a week working on my chipping to various distances, each session changing clubs….a good friend of mine insisted the 8 iron would give me the best results. A pro told me it depended on the lie. No club gave me consistent success – then I decided to watch your tip and VOILA! More sensible and logical than anything I’ve tried….I got the “Why, of course!!” feeling just watching….My long game is fine with loose wrists and NOW, the short game is going to follow! Thank you for giving wonderful value in exchange for the subscription.
August 8, 2018
Paul WilsonDirk,
Very good. Glad you understood it and incorporated it into your chipping. This will save you guessing and save you a ton of shots. Just remember, if you are uphill -1 downhill +1 etc.
Now the fun begins.
March 4, 2021
GeraldLamoureuxHi Paul
Great tip once again. I presume that your greens are quite fast in Vegas but would you be using the same ratios on slower greens like we usually have up North in the province of Québec, or would you make another kind of ajustment.
Thank you
March 9, 2021
Paul WilsonThey are not crazy fast here at Bears Best, but if you find yourself on a green that is long and slow then maybe you have to hit your chip slightly harder. Try some and find out, put a golf club down on the green just less than 1 yard onto the green. Hit your chips so that they fly just over the club, then you will know that you have the correct landing area and then measure out how far it will run out with SW, 9i and 7i. It should be the same.
April 1, 2024
KarenSeawelThis is a great tip. Is it common for mid-handicap players to actually step off these chipping distances in a casual round or league play? I find myself estimating distances (which isn’t nearly as effective) to avoid slow play.