Putting – Two Parts To A Putt

By | on May 10, 2019 | 17 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

17 Responses to “Putting – Two Parts To A Putt”

  1. Getting the distance right is far more important than getting the perfect Line .When YOUR distance assessments is right ,YOUR ball is nô more than a ” tap in” distance from the hole .This is my putting drill daily routine exercise : 4 feet ,6 feet ,8 feet ,10 feet ,15 feet ,20 feet .25 feet : 20 balls from each distance
    = 140 puts per day .
    For the balls from 4,6 ,8 ,10 feet ,all TWenty balls have to be in the hole before moving TO another distance try eyes closed when putting .

    • August 31, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      So many people I see do not have the line. Maybe you do. If so, you would work on direction. That would also mean this tip is not for you.

    • Paul. I am a 75 year old golfer and love your videos. I would like you to do a video on the various methods of gripping the putter to make the stroke. I recently had a bad case of jerking the stroke to the left and was 3 putting every green. I found a video on the internet that showed 5 different putting grips. I chose the claw grip and was totally cured. I did nothing but change the way I gripped th putter. In my l

  2. September 1, 2015


    Paul, TO see the line ,it’s easy ,it’s obvious :just position YOUR eyes over the ball ,this means the upper body and head are nearly parallèl to the ground .
    As for seeing the Line when there is break if it is not NATURAL to you ( All those who have gone through engineering drawings with complex surfaces read slopes ,surfaces and volumes easily ,That was in the ‘ 50’s ,there were nô computers at the time ,nô CAD/ CAM ),they should rely on the AIM,POINT méthod ,it’s factual and easy to learn ‘.,

  3. September 1, 2015


    I’m reviewing chipping as well as putting.

    With putting you demonstrate essentially pitching the ball with you right hand to the target.

    While the setup is different for chipping should I follow the same concept for stroking a chip shot?

    Bob Gibson

    • September 1, 2015

      Paul Wilson


      You can certainly do this throwing motion with chipping too. I like chipping this way then I feel the acceleration of the club. Give it a try.

  4. September 2, 2015




  5. March 17, 2018


    For some reason I’m not able to post on your alignment drill so I’m going to do it here. What is your reason for lining up with an open stance if you need to keep your shoulders square?

    • Avatar photo

      March 18, 2018

      Paul Wilson


      I am going to start open initially because it is easier for me to swivel my head to see the target. Just try it from square and you will see what I mean. So we come in perpendicular to the target line but with the lead foot dropped back.

  6. Good analysis Paul:before putting make your eyes follow the path the ball will roll over cm per cm up to the hole(Crouch behind the ball while doing so ),note all the irregularities ,the change of coloration of the grass (to which side does the grass bend?),the small mound created by the trodding of the feet near to the hole , the spike marks and start rolling the ball towards a small spot several inches in front of the ball .The distance feel you will acquire by rolling thousands of balls from various distances.All this supposes of course your stroke is competely automated and mechanized …

    • Raymond,

      You could say distance = experience. Just something you feel if you have hit enough putts.

  7. Paul Thanks for the tip. I would like you to go a tip on the various methods of gripping the putter to make the stroke I am nearly 75 years old i recently had a bad case of jerking and missing short putts and pulling putts to the left. I was so mentally shook that I was missing even 2 foot putts. I watched your video on throwing the ball but I still jerked the putt. It got so bad that I was 3 putting every green! So I found a video on the internet searching for putting grips which showed 5 different grips. I tried them all and finally settled on the claw grip.I then began sinking 5 out of six 7:foot putt on the living room.rug. That success then transferred to the course where in the last 2 rounds I sunk 2 15-20 foot putts for birdies and many 5 footers as well The couple I played with yesterday whom I had never played with before good me I was an excellent putter. Yet all I did was to change my putting grip!

  8. May 13, 2019


    I am one who can struggle with the line. This tip should be helpful. When I don’t feel like I’m seeing the line I naturally lose confidence about making the put. Thanks

    • Tom,

      Definitely try it. Make it simple. You might need to draw the line on the ball and line it up. This way you are not guessing and you see it perfectly every time.

  9. May 13, 2019



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