Putting – One Way To Work On Distance Control

By | on January 29, 2025 | 14 Comments | Array


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Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+

14 Responses to “Putting – One Way To Work On Distance Control”

  1. Hi Paul,
    Thanks for the great tips.

  2. July 12, 2013


    Excellent tip Paul. Throwing the ball to the hole really helps! I’ve also adopted the baseball putting grip. Seems I’m more accurate….

  3. July 12, 2013


    with this method does the speed of the stroke change with the speed of the green?


  4. Two questions ,Paul:
    1 what about THE dominant eye position?I am right eye dominant and I place THE ball a bit more to THE right than a left eye dominant player .
    2 for long puts ,I have observed PHIL MICKELSON :when far away ,h

  5. Hi Paul great tip. I’ve been experimenting some with looking at the hole and not the ball. I’ve had good success on long puts. Do you have an opinion on this technique?

    • Michael,

      Glad you liked it. Thanks.

      I don’t mind it because you are thinking target which is what you need to do if you want to be a great putter. Keep doing it if you like it.

  6. Paul,
    Using my feet to guide the length of my backswing in my putting has helped me control distance so much better than other methods. I used to struggle a lot with taking too long of a back swing and now I understand when a longer back swing is correct and when it is not. Thank you for all your tips. I just joined Ignition Golf a couple weeks ago and am playing so much better.

    • Kimberly,

      Glad to have you on board. Glad you are improving. I love hearing it.

      Yes, using the feet is an easy way to get the distances. You are not necessarily going to do this forever but for a while until you get used to it.

  7. Paul: I putted great today using the feet to judge distance. Only 3 putted once. Had several one putts too. And the tip on touching the legs to start the downswing is my go to thought that keeps the ball in the air for my fairway shots. I struggled for a month to get the ball in the air right after retiring at the end of January. I took 3 lessons from 3 different pros and none of them could get me to stop hitting the ball thin once on the golf course. Then I discovered your touch the legs video and it turned around my golf game and made me a happy camper in retirement. I find your thoughts very similar to those of Jimmy Ballard whom I went to see in Key Largo in 2013 after reading his book How To Perfect Yoir Golf Swing. Those thoughts held my golf swing together for several years. But then I started to hit the ball thin again and your touchung the legs video saved me. I look forward to your golf tips every day. I am so glad I discovered Ignition Golf. I can’t thank you enough for turning around retirement for me. I was so upset that I had lost my golf swing that I was even thinking about returning to another SAP consulting project!

    • Kimberly,

      So glad you are putting better and glad you found the touch the legs position. Without that you would have just kept hitting this is why no one was fixing your swing.

      Yes, I have head the Jimmy Ballard thing before. I did have his book. I have some videos of his around here too that someone sent me a long time ago. I can’t remember too much about what he taught. I should try to find it again. He is/was a great teacher.

      Keep up the good work (golf).

  8. If you google the utube video on Jimmy Ballard teaching Rocco Mediate on the golf channel you will see in about 15 minutes what Jimmy’s book is all about. It was that video on the connected golf swing that promoted me to go see Jimmy in person.

  9. November 12, 2021


    I really like this tip.
    Having a frame of reference for stroke that you can compare with green speed should really help dial in putting pace for the given days conditions. My goal is to eliminate the dreaded 3 putts. Doing so will really help my scoring. Nothing worse than hitting the green in regulation and carding a 6.

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