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For Purer Irons, Know How Your Wrists Work
Paul Wilson
on October 18, 2024
Tags: hinging rehingingrelease golf clubwrists golfwrists hinge
Author Description
Paul Wilson is the creator of Swing Machine Golf and founder of Ignition Golf. Paul's golf swing technique is based on the Iron Byron swing machine. YouTube Channels: Paul Wilson Golf and Ignition Golf Tips. Please Join me on Google+
4 Responses to “For Purer Irons, Know How Your Wrists Work”
September 22, 2020
Dale JenkinsPaul
Since the right arm straightens from the past-impact position, why is it not the right wrist that should be the focus of re-hinging in the follow-through? After all, the left arm is collapsing by the time the hands get to eye level on the follow through, and the right arm is straight and in position to re-hinge.
September 30, 2020
Paul WilsonYou can focus on which ever wrist you would like to make it easier, but you are really looking at both wrists to be fully “re-hinged” past contact and at eye level. The “L to L drill is good for that and knowing how both wrists are working in the swing. Do not try to over evaluate some of the swing positions as this will start to make the golf swing too complicated. Make this these easy and you will make golf easier. Check out this tip:
Your Wrists At Eye Level:
September 22, 2020
NICKWILKINSPaul, at the top of the back swing is the rear/right wrist fully flexed back (dorsiflexed), basically into the “waiter’s-tray position”? Thanks.
September 30, 2020
Paul WilsonNo, if you get your back wrist into that sort of position then you could possibly get the other hand in a more bowed position. You can see how your wrists would hinge, if you stand with the golf club in your set up position and then hinge the club up in front of you like you’re trying to hit your nose then this would be how the wrists would naturally hinge up. They would not bend forward or backwards.